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ELLIOT AND ALEJANDRO DROVE HOME FROM MATTIA'S PARTY IN SILENCE. the events that had just taken would never be mentioned again.
"el..." ale trails off at a loss for words.
"no alejandro. please just take me home and forgot about it." the girl whispered.
alejandro sighed at elliot's wishes but of course he wanted to respect them. he had too much love for her to ignore them. so the pair rode in silence. a very thick and awkward silence. when ale's car pulled to a stop in front of elliot's house, she got out of the car quickly and ran into her house, not caring about how intoxicated she was. she retreated to her room and flung herself onto the bed.
"what the hell was i thinking?" she muttered to herself.
alejandro exhaled as he watched elliot flee into her house. why couldn't i just keep my emotions in check? he thought angrily. he drove away from elliot's house in drunken agony.

elliot had fallen asleep in her clothes from last night and woke up with a major hangover. she didn't know why she'd drank so much but she cursed at herself. then all the memories from what happened last night flooded her mind and the same emotions she felt in the car with alejandro came rushing back. she decided to check her phone and let her friends know that she'd made it home safe.

rat pack minus ale 😳
everyone → elliot

black king tia 🤩
bitch where the fuck did u and ale go?
black king tia 🤩
kairi 😗👊🏼
elliot kendrick answer your goddamn phone
roooooooshaun 🤠
just let us know if you're okay plz
kins 🐱🦋
bubs are you alright?

elliot 🤑
i'm so sorry u guys
elliot 🤑
rat pack assemble at my house in 10

roooooooooshaun 🤠
i'm already in the car
kins 🐱🦋
i'll catch a ride w tia
black king tia 🤩
who tf said i was picking u up? cause it wasn't me u whore
alvaro vera 🌱
i'm late but i can't make it
black king tia 🤩
where tf are you alvaro 💀
alvaro vera 🌱
i got me some  puunani last night and i'm about to get some again 😎

elliot 🤑
my brother got cooch? wow what is the world coming too?

kairi 😗👊🏼
i'll pick u up kins
kins 🐱🦋
that's why you're my fav 😚😚

elliot 🤑
wait a damn minute

alvaro vera 🌱
i am both offended and pissed atm
kairi 😗👊🏼
it's not my fault i'm better than all u bitches

elliot 🤑
can y'all hurry up and get your slow asses here?

rooooooooshaun 🤠
alright chill

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