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ELLIOT SAT IN HER ROOM, music blasting and tears streaming down her face

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ELLIOT SAT IN HER ROOM, music blasting and tears streaming down her face. no matter how much she wanted to fight her feelings, all she wanted was alejandro. he was supposed to arrive at her house so they could talk about the party and she couldn't help but feel nervous. the only thing holding her back was her brother and that was becoming less of a factor. a knock on her room door startles her and she quickly wipes her tears away as she goes to answer it. her teary eyes meet with a concerned looking alejandro.
"elliot. come here." he whispers to the fragile girl in front of him.
she melts into him and sobs into his chest.
"come lay with me and tell me what's wrong." he says before kissing her forehead gently. ale leads her to the bed and they lay together.
"now what's wrong, beauty?" alejandro asks softly.
"i'm so sorry. i never wanted to take advantage of you while we were drunk. i usually have control over myself when i'm drunk but when it comes to you..." she trails off.
"what?" he asks.
"it's like i have no control of myself when i'm with you. you make it hard for me to stay away." elliot breaths out.
"then don't." alejandro says before pulling elliot into him and kissing her soft lips gently.
"ale..." she says as they pull apart.
"elliot, i've liked you since the first time i laid eyes on and you can't tell me that you don't like me too. i see the shine in your eyes when you look at me." ale confess.
"it's not that i don't like you. you know my brother would kill us both if he ever found out."
"who said he has to know?" ale jokes while wiggling his eyebrows at her.
"you're such a dork." elliot giggles and pushes ale's chest lightly.
he laughs at the girl beside him.
"i'm serious though elliot." alejandro timidly admits. "i want to do this with you."
elliot rolls away from alejandro and sighs.
"can i have some time to think about it?" she says.
"of course." alejandro smiles. "but still come cuddle with me."

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liked by cityboyale, roadmanmattia and others itsnotelliot thank u for making me feel better bubs 🥺 cityboyale

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liked by cityboyale, roadmanmattia
and others
itsnotelliot thank u for making me feel better bubs 🥺 cityboyale

roadmanmattia ceo of being ugly
↪️ itsnotelliot ceo of saying the inward 🤠
↪️ roadmanmattia u just are gonna let that go, huh?
↪️ itsnotelliot u wish ☺️

ig.alvaro cover that shoulder 😤
↪️ itsnotelliot it's a shoulder?

babykens imagine being this gorgeous 🤩
↪️ itsnotelliot look in a mirror sometime

cityboyale anytime beauty 🥰
↪️ itsnotelliot i wuv u 💘

alejandro had left elliot's place hours ago and he already missed her. he tried taking his mind off her by streaming gta but it was no use. so he decided to text her.

alejandro → elliot

baby boy 🦋💍
hey beauty wanna facetime?

baby girl 🥺💍
sure, are you streaming ?

baby boy 🦋💍
yes but i'll get off for you

baby girl 🥺💍
you don't have to do that bubs
baby girl 🥺💍
i'll watch you stream if you want

baby boy 🦋💍
baby boy 🦋💍
i want to give you my full attention

"baby girl 🥺💍" would like to facetime
accept or decline?

"hi ale." elliot greeted.
"hi beauty." he smiled back.
"you know you didn't have to stop streaming for me?" she joked.
"i know, but i wanted to be able to focus on you and only you." he answered.
"don't be nice to me. you'll make me feel emotions." elliot cackled.
"shut up." ale laughs back at her.
"do you know why i call you beauty?" alejandro asked suddenly.
"because you think i'm beautiful?"
"no. because i think you are the most beautiful girl out there. you're my beauty."
elliot blushes and tries to change the subject.
"can you believe that we're halfway through junior year?" she asks ale hoping he'll take the bait.
"it's so crazy. seems like yesterday we were running away from each other to avoid getting 'cooties'." ale laughs.
"those were such good times." elliot laughs along with him.
"ale..." she trails.
"yes beauty?"
"i want to do this thing. i want us."

zy's corner:
i am so soft for ale in this chapter 🥰
N E ways.. i have an update schedule nowww

monday, wednesday, and friday: off limits
tuesday & thursday: bestfriends
and i'll update both on saturday 💘
take care loves 😚

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