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ALEJANDRO LAY in his bed, tears in his eyes and his brain filled with thoughts of elliot. he missed her more than he'd like to admit but he didn't want to upset alvaro anymore then he already had. nothing could take the girl he once had all to himself off his mind. his mom and little brother tried to cheer him up but he wasn't in the mood to be around anyone. all ale wanted was elliot back in his arms. the boys, minus alvaro, had been to his house multiple times but he turned them away. they were worried about him but didn't understand why he didn't want to see them. days flew by and alejandro hadn't moved from the spot he lay in. he'd run out of tears and his phone had died, but he couldn't bring himself to move. the pain he felt in his heart was worse than anything he'd ever felt before and he didn't think he'd ever be the same. the worst past was that no matter how much he wanted to check in elliot, he couldn't. all he wanted was to tell her that he was sorry and that he never meant to break her. that he was angry with alvaro and he didn't want her to think that he never liked her. alejandro had been in love with elliot for so long and now all those memories played on repeat in his head. the kiss they shared, the laughs, the dates, the cuddling, and even the days when he'd stay too late and wake up to elliot playing with his hair. every single thing about elliot was perfect and now the girl he once loved probably hated him. ale drifted off into a deep sleep, his heart heavy and his mind filled with thoughts of her.


ELLIOT ON the other hand was coping in a different way than alejandro. at first, she blasted sad music and cried in agony over the boy who shattered her heart into pieces. but she ran out of tears and the pain became way too much for her. so she did what any other teenager in pain would do. she started to smoke weed and go out to parties to get alejandro off her mind. she'd come home all times of the night, stoned and sometimes drunk. her parents and brother were worried about her but they knew she was in pain and didn't know how to cope. alvaro knew that the pain his sister was feeling was all his fault but he didn't care to admit it to her. he knew she'd hate him so he kept his mouth shut. mattia, kairi, roshaun, and kenzie hadn't heard from elliot in weeks and they all were beyond worried about their best friend. she'd changed her number and didn't bother to stop by any of their houses and let them know that she was fine. they didn't even know why she nor alejandro had dropped off the face of the earth, but they'd gotten a sense that things between the two had ended poorly. no one knew how to comfort them so they stayed away. and the cycle carried on for weeks until kairi had enough.

zy's corner-
short update i know but i've been so sad lately and this is the best thing i could put out for now.
love always
z <3

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