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🎱🌪"you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart

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"you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart."
how to love
lil wayne
0:00 ———-|———  0:12

ALEJANDRO WOKE UP in an all too familiar room and immediately knew that he was with his baby. elliot lay next to him, her hair messy and in his sweatshirt. the hangover was in full effect but nothing could distract him from his girl.
"alex, you're awake." he heard a raspy voice whisper to him.
he nodded, at a loss for words. hearing her voice was enough to make his brain shutdown.
"i put some advil and water on the nightstand next to you and once you're ready, i'm treating you to breakfast at denny's. we have a lot to talk about." elliot rasped once again.
once again, all alejandro could do was nod. elliot rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. ale took the advil and threw his shirt on. he and elliot made their way to her car in silence. the only sounds in the car on the way to denny's was the faint sound of the radio and the pitter patter of the rain falling down from the heavens. the rain was light and the sky was dark. alejandro lay with his head against the cold window while elliot drove. they arrived at the restaurant and were seated immediately.
"i'll have hash browns and sausage and my girl here will have a black coffee with a side of pancakes and extra butter." alejandro ordered for her and smiled weakly at the girl across from him.
"so what'd you want to talk about?" he spoke nonchalantly.
elliot shrugged before making brief eye contact with the effortlessly gorgeous boy in front of her. his brown hair still messy and his dimples showing. his cheeky smile and his beautiful, shiny eyes. everything about him was so perfect and yet here they were. sitting awkwardly in a booth, broken up.
"right. is it true? what you told me last night?" she meekly asked.
alejandro laughed and shook his head at her.
"i don't remember anything from last night, elliot."
"oh. well, you said alvaro told you to break my heart and stay away from me."
ale's eyes immediately shoot down to his lap and he fiddles with his fingers. he clears his throat and avoids eye contact with her.
"well, he did text me." his voice was shaking.
"can i see them?"

alvaro → alejandro (alevaro 😳 )
tuesday, october 17th, 1:43am

alvaro vera 🌱
wtf is wrong with u?
alvaro vera 🌱
my sister? really?

alex ⚽️🖤
what? i have no idea what you're talking about varo

alvaro vera 🌱
don't lie to me. you better stay away from her or else

alex ⚽️🖤
or else what?

alvaro vera 🌱
you'll lose me. we were supposed to be best friends but you went after my sister.
alvaro vera 🌱
break her heart alejandro.  i mean it

alex ⚽️🖤
why can't you just let us be happy?

alvaro vera 🌱
that's all i want for elliot. but not with you.

"alvaro would never hurt me on purpose." elliot cried.
"i'm sorry, i didn't know what to do." ale apologized for the bazillionth time.
the pair had left denny's after elliot read the text thread between her brother and alex. they didn't even eat. elliot felt horrible. the boy took her back to his place so she wouldn't have to see alvaro. she didn't want to believe that the person who was supposed to care about her feelings had disregarded them and made her feel like he just didn't care about her happiness. she loved alejandro and because he saw that she was happy, he took that away from her? alvaro was her brother. the person who was always supposed to support her and care for her. no one else had ever been there for her until she met the boys. elliot and alvaro's parents were always too caught up in their own lives to care about what they were doing. fury started to build up in elliot. the person who made her the happiest was being taken away from her and it was her brother who took him.
"elli? come here." she heard alejandro say next to her.
he pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead lightly.
"i promise you that we'll get you the answers you want from him. but for now, stop worrying and cuddle with me while we watch 50 first dates." he pecked her lips ever so soft and gave her a warm smile.
"thank you for being here ale."
"i'll always be here for you. i love you."
"i love you too"
elliot tossed and turned all night thinking about her brother. he must've had a good reason to force alejandro out of her life and she wouldn't stop until she got the answers she was looking for.

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