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die in your arms justin bieber0:21 ————|———— 0:54

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die in your arms
justin bieber
0:21 ————|———— 0:54

say you love me as much as i love you, yeah
would you hurt me, baby?
could you do that to me, yeah?
would you lie to me, baby?
cause the truth hurts so much more
would you do the things that drive me crazy?
leave my heart still at the door?

oh, i can't help it i'm just selfish
there's no way that i could share you
that would break my heart to pieces
honestly, the truth is...

WHAT IN the dusty doughnuts is going on here?" elliot gawked at the sight in front of her.
she'd just caught kairi and mattia hooking up in alejandro's bed.
the two boys hurriedly jump up from the bed and throw their clothes on.
"n-nothing." mattia stammered as kairi turns beat red and avoids eye contact with her.
"y-y-yeah, what tia said." kai unsuccessfully lies.
"i knew it! you two have a thing for each other." elliot grins.
"wait, you're not mad?" mattia questions.
"of course not. why would i be mad? i love you both no matter who you're interested in."
before elliot can blink, mattia and kai wrap her into a tight group hug.
"thank you." they both sigh.

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liked by roadmanmattia, arosario69, babykenz,and others

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liked by roadmanmattia, arosario69, babykenz,
and others

elliebelly come home already 🥺 arosario69

roadmanmattia y'all make me sick
→ elliebelly ty 😸

arosario69 imy :(

arosario69 i'll be home later tonight angel face :)
elliebelly and i'll be at the airport waiting for you <3

hirokaiysen the hands KAKSJSJS
elliebelly manz really said "🦴😁🦴"
arosario69 feelin real disrespected rn 🧍🏽‍♂️

"kairi, do you think you could speed the fuck up." elliot giggles.
"we're literally parked out side the airport i-."
just as elliot goes to respond, alejandro sends her a text.

alejandro → elliot

bubbies <3
we're landing rn

angel face 🤍
yess i'm so excited to see you

bubbies <3
i'll see you soon beauty

"kai he's landing. let's go inside." she's practically bouncing up and down in her seat as she puts her phone down.
they race inside and stand outside of the gate ale had told her to wait in front of. minutes fly by and elliot grows impatient. just as she thinks they should go back to the car, she sees her boyfriend and races towards him.
"beauty!" he shouts, taking off and dropping his bags.
they meet in a severely tight hug and the sound of their laughter fills the airport.
" i missed you." alejandro whispers while kissing all over elliot's face. his kisses cover her temple, her lips, her cheeks, her ears. everywhere he could kiss in public, his lips touched.
"alright lovebirds, break it up." kairi interrupts and shoves ale lightly.

liked by arosario69, elliebelly, and others hirokaiysen the single really kicking in rn 🧍🏽‍♂️

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liked by arosario69, elliebelly,
and others
hirokaiysen the single really kicking in rn 🧍🏽‍♂️

elliebelly KAI i didn't even know you took pictures
→ hirokaiysen she's a mammoth of course

roadmanmattia stfu you not single
→ hirokaiysen eye-

"never leave me again." elliot pouts.
alejandro laughs and places a light kiss to her temple.
"i won't, beauty. you're mine forever."

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