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🖤⛓heather conan gray 0:37 —————|————— 1:26

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conan gray
0:37 —————|————— 1:26

"only if you knew, how much i liked you
but i watch your eyes as she walks by
what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky
she's got you mesmerized while i die. why would you ever kiss me?
i'm not even half as pretty. you gave her your sweater, it's just polyester. but you like her better. wish i were heather."

THE PAIN elliot felt was like nothing she'd ever gone through

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THE PAIN elliot felt was like nothing she'd ever gone through. the tears that stream down her face blur her vision as she wanders down the sidewalk. never in a million years did she think this is where she'd be at 2am on a sunday night. wandering aimlessly around town, crying with no place to go and no one to look after her. the broken girl's mind couldn't help but replay what happened just two hours earlier.

"babe, don't you think we should go home now?" elliot had asked alejandro.
the two had been out all night with katie and she was pretty tired to say the least. ale has ignored her the entire time that they were with katie so much so that she could've mistaken herself as the third wheel if she didn't know any better.
"nah babe. a few more minutes." he brushes her off quickly.
she sighs and goes back to picking at the leftover coffee cake left on her plate. she knew deep down what was happening but refused to accept it. alejandro would never. at least she thought he wouldn't. at least she hoped he wouldn't. katie and alejandro continued their conversation and ignored elliot's entire existence. as the minutes passed, the signs were becoming clear. from the way he held onto every word that katie said to the way he looked at her when he thought no one else was watching him. alejandro wanted katie. not elliot. the thought of ale with anyone else stung, but elliot knew what she had to do. she had to let go of the boy she'd fallen in love with. she had to push him into the arms of someone else and the thought of that alone tore her heart into a billion pieces. but she knew that if she loved him, she has to let him go be happy with a girl that isn't her.
"alejandro. can we talk outside? it's really important." her voice cracks.
the boy's eyes shot to her in an instant and he quickly agreed and walked into the chilly night air with her.
"what's wrong, beauty?" the concern in his voice was immediately detectable.
and that nickname. that damn nickname was enough to make elliot's eyes well up with the tears she told herself weren't gonna fall.
"i see you, alex. you and katie and the way you look at her. you used to look at me like that. i see it in your eyes. you miss her and i'm not the one you want. i can't hold you back from being happy and as much it hurts me to just give up on us, i can't stand to be in the way of your happiness nor can i stand to not be wanted by someone that i'm in love with."
"i- i don't know what to say. i love you but katie-." he stutters.
"and that's the other thing. if you truly loved me, there wouldn't even be a question about us nor a choice between katie and i." elliot says. her voice cracking once again.
"i'm sorry, beauty. truly."
"i'm sorry too. i chose you over my brother and now look at us. goodbye alex. i wish you nothing but the best in your lifetime." she pulls him into a hug and pecks his cheek lightly before turning around and walking away from the one person she thought would never let her go.

and now here she was. walking towards god knows where and not caring where she ended up. her feet had a mind of their own and she could care less where they'd lead her. before she knew it, she was at a house knocking on the door.
"elliot? oh my god, come in."
kinsley glances at her best friend with worry. she hasn't said a word since she let her in and lead her up to her room. she looked a mess and she sat in her tub, crying quietly.
"come on, bubs. let's get you a nice bath and then straight to bed." kinsley whispers gently to the teary eyed girl in front of her. she kneeled on the side of the bathtub and ran a shampoo-filled sponge over elliot's head. a soapy wash cloth follows and lastly, kinsley dresses her in an oversized t-shirt and tucks her into the spare bedroom next to the bathroom.
"once you wake up, i'll make you, your favorite breakfast and and we can watch all your favorite movies." kinsley coos at her best friend.
"i wish i were katie." is the only thing elliot can think before falling asleep.

zy's corner-
hi 👁👄👁
please enjoy this chapter. i cried sm writing this and i listened to heather the whole time i wrote this.
i'm so soft for kinsley 🥺 i need a best friend who bathes me after getting my heart broken.
n e ways for anyone wondering, yes i listen to sweater weather

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