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📍🕸safe inside james arthur 0:10 —————|————— 0:39"i remember when you were all mine

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safe inside
james arthur
0:10 —————|————— 0:39
"i remember when you were all mine.
now you're changing in front of my eyes
what can I say
now that i'm not the fire in the cold
now that i'm not the hand that you hold
as you're walking away."

the one emotion that ran through elliot's head as she woke up in alejandro's arms naked was pure bliss. the night she'd spent with alejandro was amazing and she wasn't ready for the repercussions of what they'd done just yet. so there she lay. staring at the absolutely gorgeous boy in front of her. his chest rose and fell and his mouth twitches slightly. just the sight of him made elliot's heart leap. the cogs in her brain churned and the feelings of regret and embarrassment washed over her and she quickly began to cry. after one reckless night, she'd had sex AND let the boy who caused her so much pain back into her life. she quickly threw on some random clothes from her bedroom floor and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door, not caring if she woke anyone else up. she looked in the mirror and let out a harsh breath of air. why the hell did she sleep with alejandro? again?
"beauty?" she heard his voice from the other side of the door.
"what?" she spit.
"are you okay? i heard you start crying and came to check on you."
as elliot opened her mouth to speak, she felt bile rise to her throat and rushed to the toliet. she started to puke and alejandro was quick to be by her side, rubbing her back and holding her hair back. she felt disgusted with herself as she threw up whatever she'd eaten in the past week and more but not once did alejandro leave her side. he coaxed her away from the toilet and into her bed. he ran downstairs to grab a trash bag and came right back to rub her back. he tied her hair up in a ponytail and lay beside her once she'd stopped puking. they fell asleep rather quickly and the nausea that elliot felt just a few moments ago passed. was there a possibility of a pregnancy? elliot didn't think so but she had to keep the possibility in the back of her mind. she was too young to have a baby but the time to think about all of that would come. as her eyes fluttered open, she made eye contact with alejandro and her lips parted slightly with a smile.
"hey." he smiled.
"hey." she replied.
"do you feel better or do you need anything else?" he grins.
elliot shakes her head and gives him a weary side smile.
"do you want me to leave?" he asks, hoping she'll say no.
"no! i mean... if you want to stay, i don't mind."
he nods and reached out to touch elliot and surprisingly, she let him.
"ale?" her voice sounded weak.
"yes, princess?"
"can we go to the store? i need to pick up some stuff and i'm hungry." she giggles.
"of course. get dressed and we'll head out."

liked by babykenz, roadmanmattia, and others elliebelly missed ur face arosario69comments disabled

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liked by babykenz, roadmanmattia,
and others
elliebelly missed ur face arosario69
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"look ale! they have flipz!" elliot screeches as soon as they enter  ralph's.
he chuckles at the precious girl in front of him as she drags him towards the pretzels that she loved.
"beauty, i'm gonna grab you some capri-suns and then i'll meet you at the register." ale smiles.
elliot nods at him and takes the opportunity to run towards the pregnancy test section. she grabs three of them and attempts to hide them beneath her snacks. once she reaches the checkout stand, ale smiles at her and she nervously smiles back at him.
"hey, you can wait in the car, if you want." she offers.
"okay." ale shrugs.
"yes." she thought, "he took the bait."
she successfully smuggled the tests back home and drank at least 5 capri-suns so she'd have to pee.
"i'll be right back, alex. i have to use the bathroom." she laughs.
he nods, focused on mulan and not even paying any attention to her. her nerves are all over the place by the time she reaches the bathroom.
"okay elliot. all you have to do is piss on this stick and it'll determine whether your life is forever changed or not." her. conscience spoke to her as she sat down.
"it's now or never." she says out loud.

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