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IMESSAGEtoday at 1:25pmrat pack minus ale 😳

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today at 1:25pm
rat pack minus ale 😳

kairi 😗👊🏼
pool party at kinsley's house 🥳
kins 🐱🦋
yeah so get your asses over here now 🤠
tia 🥳
alright i'm omw with roshaun
alvaro vera 🌱
ion feel like coming guys 😐
kins 🐱🦋
you're a loser varo
alvaro vera 🌱
i know 🤑

elliot 🤑
ale's bringing me so we'll be there soon 😗

the party was going strong. kinsley, mattia, elliot, and roshuan sat on the side of the pool making tiktoks while kairi and ale swam.
"elliot come swim with us!" kairi yells to her.
"no bitch." she yells back to him.
"fine then i'll come sit with you." alejandro butts in and jumps out of the pool.
"whatever." elliot laughs.
as the party goes on, alejandro payed less and less attention to elliot. he was continuously on him phone, smiling and hiding the texts from everyone. elliot couldn't help but feel jealous. sure, they weren't official together but they were at least more than friends. and that should count for something. she wanted to go home.
"tia, can you take me home?" she asked mattia weakly.
"of course. let me grab my bag and we'll go."
alejandro saw elliot leave with mattia and thought nothing of it. he went straight back to texting katie. he'd been talking to katie all day and he was really enjoying their conversation.
"where'd elliot go?" kinsley asks the oblivious boy.
"she left with mattia a while ago. don't know why." alejandro shrugs.
kinsley rolls her eyes at the idiot in front of her and storms off.

today at 6:46pm
alejandro → elliot

baby boy 🦋💍
hey are u okay? u left the party pretty early
baby boy 🦋💍
baby boy 🦋💍
why are u ignoring me?

beauty 🥺💍
go text ur hoes

baby boy 🦋💍
what? ur mad about me talking to katie?

beauty 🥺💍
no. i'm not mad

baby boy 🦋💍
ur passive aggressive texts before that say otherwise

beauty 🥺💍
i get that we're not dating alejandro but texting girls who are CLEARLY interested in u right in front of me?
beauty 🥺💍
that's fucked

baby boy 🦋💍
ur right. we. are. not. together.
baby boy 🦋💍
so i can talk to whoever i want because ur not my girlfriend

beauty 🥺💍
thanks for reminding me.

baby boy 🦋💍
beauty i'm sorry. i didn't mean it like that
baby boy 🦋💍
come on. u know that i'm only interested in u and only u

beauty 🥺💍
i don't know that rosario
beauty 🥺💍
i don't feel like talking to u anymore

baby boy 🦋💍
don't be like this beauty
baby boy 🦋💍
i'm sorry

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