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today at 12:36pm
elliot → alejandro

baby girl 🥺💍
hey i'm still able to come over right?
baby girl 🥺💍
baby girl 🥺💍
you're worrying me. i'm coming over

baby boy 🦋💍
no !

baby girl 🥺💍
i'm already in the car...
baby girl 🥺💍
why don't you want me to come over?

baby boy 🦋💍
...no reason

baby girl 🥺💍
you're acting sus alex

ELLIOT WAS worried about alejandro. the way he'd been texting her made her anxious and suspicious all at once. she pulled up to his house and knocked on the door.
"hi, is alejandro home?" she greeted his mom as she opened the door.
"hey elliot. he's up in his room. go on up."
the anxiety elliot felt going up the stairs to alejandro's room was like no other feeling she's ever had. once she got to his door, her palms were sweating. alejandro sat on his bed scrolling on tiktok and was startled by elliot as she came into his room.
"jesus christ. you scared the fuck outta me." he chuckles.
"why didn't you want me to come over?" elliot states.
silence falls between the two and it quickly turns
"i, um. i don't think we should see each other anymore." ale stutters.
that statement. that one sentence broke elliot's heart into pieces.
"w-w-what?" her voice cracked.
it hurt alejandro to put her through this, but alvaro had found out about them and this was the only way he could get his best friend back.
"i'm sorry but-."
"don't. i get it alex. i'm going home." elliot spoke firmly before turning on her heels and running downstairs. as soon as she was in her car, she broke down.
alejandro flinched at what elliot had called him. she only called him alex when he'd fucked up. he didn't want to believe that his best friend wouldn't be happy for him but when alvaro gave him the ultimatum of breaking up with elliot or losing him, he thought he'd done the right thing, but now he wasn't so sure.

today at 1:10pm
alejandro → alvaro

alex ⚽️🖤
it's done

alvaro vera 🌱
good. now stay away from my sister.

alex ⚽️🖤
sure. whatever

elliot went home and cried for a while. alvaro tried to comfort her but she wasn't in the mood for company. everything about alex seemed weird and forced but maybe it was just the broken heart talking. she knew what she had to do but she didn't want to worry her friends.

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itsnotelliot taking a break. don't know for how long <\3
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