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story of my life one direction 0:16 ————|———— 0:44

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story of my life
one direction
0:16 ————|———— 0:44

written in these walls are the stories that i can't explain
i leave my heart open
but it stays right here empty for days
she told me in the morning
she don't feel the same about us in her bones
it seems to me that when i die
these words will be written on my stone

THUNDER CRACKS through the sky as elliot sits in the her favorite place in the entire world. the library in her lakehouse. she'd spent years gathering books for herself and now that she was leaving, she couldn't help but feel nostalgic as the memories hit her like a truck. the past few days at the lake had been so wild and she'd had so much fun with her friends, but she needed a day or two to herself. she grabs one of her favorite books, the frog princess by e.d. baker and laughs at the memories.

"mommy, can we read the book tonight?" a 4 year old elliot asked her mother with an unmatchable grin covering her face.
her mother smiles adoringly at her.
"sure ells, but only two chapters. after that, it's bed time."
elliot bounces up and down in her bed while her mother grabs the book of the nightstand.
elliot didn't even make it through the first chapter before she's passed out asleep. her mom smiles and gently kisses her forehead before turning out the light and heading to bed herself.

"hey baby?" she heard from behind her.
"hi alex." she giggles.
"the guys wanna go out to eat, do you wanna come with?" alejandro asks.
"nah i'm fine. go out and have fun with your boys. kinsley and i will stay here ." she states.
"are you sure?" he pressed.
"of course, now go. have fun. you deserve it." she ends their conversation with a kiss on the cheek.
"hey kins?" elliot calls out.
"i'm gonna take a nap." elliot yawns.
as she's walking to her room, she sees alejandro and alvaro whispering to each other but pays no mind to them. she hadn't been sleeping due to the impending departure she'd have endure but the lack of sleep was finally catching up with her. she didn't even bother to change out of the shorts and sweatshirt she'd been in all day. tomorrow was their last full day at the lakehouse and she wanted to make the most of it. she sprawled across the bed and instantly was asleep.

alejandrorosario added to their instagram story !

alejandrorosario added to their instagram story !

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