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best song ever one direction 0:56 ————|———— 1:07

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best song ever
one direction
0:56 ————|———— 1:07

and we danced all night to the best song ever
we knew every line now i can't remember
how it goes but i know that i won't forget her
'cause we danced all night to the best song ever
i think it went oh, oh, oh
i think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
i think it goes

"GRAD NIGHT here we come!!" mattia and kinsley shout from the back of elliot's truck. she giggles at her best friends while making a left turn into the party's parking lot. after alejandro and her had dropped her stuff off at his new apartment, they'd gotten dressed and headed back towards kairi's house to pick up the rest of their friends and head to grad night.
"okay we're here but there's some ground rules. no drinking until you black out. i'm looking at you, mattia," elliot playfully teases the boy. "we have a three and a half hour trip tomorrow and we all have to be up and ready by 8am. i am the designated driver but that doesn't mean that i'll automatically be taking care of all you drunks. if you black out in a bush, sucks to suck. you're getting left here. capiche?"
everyone gives her some form of agreement before jumping out of the car and racing towards the house.
"beauty, i'll drive tonight," alejandro offers. "you have fun tonight and don't worry about driving."
he places his hand on her thigh comfortingly and gave her a quick peck on her temple.
"are you sure? i don't mind driving." she smiles.
"i'm sure angel. i don't feel like drinking tonight anyway." he returns her smile and they make their way through the mass sea of dancing bodies.
"you want a drink?" alejandro shouts over the music.
"what?" elliot yells back.
"do you want a drink?" he repeats, louder this time.
elliot shakes her head no but grabs alejandro by the arm and leads him to a slightly quieter area.
"i want to quit smoking after tonight." hope glowed in her eyes as she confided in ale.
his eyebrows rose as he studied his girlfriend.
she gave him a lopsided smile and he nodded.
"i'll help you in every way i can." he reassured her and returned her smile with a huge hug.
"now let's party our ass off tonight!" elliot jubilantly smiles and drags alejandro back into the party.

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hirokaiysen elliebelly & babykins before kinsley fell on her ✨ass✨
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hirokaiysen elliebelly & babykins before kinsley fell on her ✨ass✨comments disabled

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roadmanmattia hirokaiysen is mine.
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the party had got broken up by the cops after three hours and boy, did a lot happen in those 180 minutes. mattia, as expected, got so drunk to the point where he'd exposed his secret relationship with kairi and then passed out on the bathroom floor. kinsley has made out with at least five people before taking a nap in a random bedroom. kairi spent his time chasing after mattia, trying (and failing) to prevent him from doing anything horrible. as for elliot and alejandro? they stuck by each other the whole time. elliot had smoked a blunt twice and was sobered up an hour before the party ended. she and ale had snuck off and hooked up in a random bathroom and then moved into the first bedroom they could find. as the two kissed, they slowly back into the bed. elliot squeals as she trips backwards into the bed.
"i love you. i love you. i love you." alejandro says in between kisses.
she smiles against his lips.

"help me get this fat ass in the car so we can leave." kairi grunts while pushing a sleeping mattia into the car.
elliot laughs from the passenger seat as she watches alejandro and kairi struggle to get mattia into his seatbelt.
"you could help us, you know?" alejandro snorts.
"you made sure that i couldn't walk so whose fault is it that i can't help?" she retorts with a smirk.
kairi gags playfully and finally buckles mattia in, followed by himself.
"we have to get back to my apartment in order to leave on time." alejandro climbs into the drivers seat and quickly starts the truck.

"never fucking let me drink again." mattia groans, a hangover pounding all throughout his body.
"shut up bitch. i told your ding dong, small dong, google chrome, no home, ping pong not to get wasted and look where we are now." elliot smirks.
he rolls his eyes at her then groans from the pain.
"you big baby." kairi teases his boy.
mattia cant help but smile at him as alejandro loads the last suitcase into the back and slammed the cargo bay door.
"alright guys. here's to any awesome weekend!" elliot cried, excitement clear in her voice.
the rest of the group cheers as she switches her pick up trunk from park to drive and the journey towards the lakehouse begins.

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