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🧩🧈stuck with u ariana grande & justin bieber

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stuck with u
ariana grande & justin bieber

0:20 ————|———— 0:34

i'm not one to stick around
one strike and you're out, baby
don't care if i sound crazy
but you never let me down, no, no
that's why when the sun's up, i'm stayin'
still layin' in your bed, singin'

"CAN WE please leave now, angel?" alejandro pouts.
elliot rolls her eyes and goes back to what she was doing.
"no, i have to find the perfect shoes to match my dress for graduation." she giggles as alejandro playful rolls his eyes at her.
they'd been on melrose avenue for what felt like forever shopping for graduation, which was in two days. the group had been stressing out about grad night and the annual trip to elliot and alvaro's lakehouse for the summer. each of them wanted nobdrama this year. this was the last time they'd all be in one place at a time and they wanted to enjoy every last second of it.
"babe what about these?" alejandro points to a pair of white sandals with plastic gems on them.
"they're perfect." elliot was estatic. she'd been looking all day for shoes and she'd finally found the perfect pair to match her dress. alejandro asked the clerk if they had her size and paid for them secretly as soon as she brought them out of the back.
"okay let's go get lunch." he laughs, preparing to be lectured paying for elliot's shoes.
"well i'll be a bitch. you did not pay for my shoes, you motherhugger. you know i wanted to pay for those ugly ass." she grumbles all the way back to the car.
alejandro burts our laughing at her as she pouted.
"aw is the wittle baby gonna cry?" he teases.
"shut the hell your mouth." she pouts.
he chuckles and sticks his tounge out at her.
"flippity flop you're a cock." she snorts.
now it's alejandro's turn to pout as she burst into laughter.

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