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DAY BY DAY elliot and alejandro grew closer and closer

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DAY BY DAY elliot and alejandro grew closer and closer. everyday alejandro would pick her up for school and stick by her side all day until school was out. then they'd head to the beach and swim until the sun went down. and right before they went home, they'd watch the sunset together. it was the most ideal way for them to spend time together and elliot was enjoying every second of it. she'd always wanted to see the waves at night and ale made sure that she did every night.

it was currently saturday night and the rain in jersey was falling hard. alejandro had just dropped elliot off home and she sat in the room watching the rain fall. her phone had gone off the the third time in five minutes but she was in a trance. the rain was so relaxing to her and she knew that the second she checked her phone, she'd be brought out. she tears her eyes away from her window and picked her phone redundantly.

today at 9:37pm
alejandro → elliot

baby boy 🦋💍
i miss u bighead 🥺

beauty 🥺💍
i miss u too bum 🥰

baby boy 🦋💍
can i come over?

beauty 🥺💍
yes but you'll have to sneak in through my window

baby boy 🦋💍
i'm already downstairs

beauty 🥺💍
what are u waiting for then dumbass 🥺
beauty 🥺💍
come gimme kith 🥰

baby boy 🦋💍
i'm omw up 😚

alejandro knocks softly on elliot's window and a humongous grin spreads on her face. she walks towards the window and lets him in. as soon as both his feet hit the ground, ale smashes his lips onto elliot's. they both grin into the kiss and elliot throws her arms around his neck.
"i missed you." ale whispers to her once they pull apart.
"i missed you more." she smiles back.
"you know what? follow me." elliot says before climbing out of the her window and running into the street.
alejandro laughs before following her.
"what are we doing out here, beauty?" he asks.
"what? are you scared of a little rain, baby?" elliots teases.
she throws her head back in laughter and starts to dance with her arms in the air.
"come on alex. dance with me." she says, shooting ale a cheeky smile.
alejandro beams at the girl in front of him before joining her in dancing. elliot spins around him before pulling out her phone and recording him.
"beauty stoppp." he pouts as he breaks out his signature smile.
"there they are. the cutest dimples i've ever seen." elliot snorts.
"i'm freezing, can we go back inside?" alejandro pouts.
"fine you big baby." elliot laughs.

itsnotelliot posted a new photo!

 liked by cityboyale, roadmanmattia, and others itsnotelliot always drinking my capri suns 😤

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liked by cityboyale, roadmanmattia,
and others
itsnotelliot always drinking my capri suns 😤

cityboyale they're good. what do you expect? 🙂
↪️ itsnotelliot don't be tryna double back, i already despise you ✋🏼
↪️ cityboyale guess i'll die 😔

roadmanmattia ales ears in this send me 😭
↪️ itsnotelliot shut yo rat looking head ass up and go cause some drama for tiktokroom to post 😚
↪️ roadmanmattia damn chill 😳

babykens you better buy her more. you know how she gets w/o her juice
↪️ cityboyale don't remind me 😭


alejandro woke up in an unfamiliar room. he yawned and stretched as he took in his surroundings. he looked down to see elliot in his arms and he couldn't help but smile. the alarm clock to his left catches his attention. he'd fallen asleep last night and he needed to get home before his mom found out that he's stayed the night out. he carefully untangled himself from elliot and snuck out her window quietly. he'd successfully snuck back into his room without waking anyone up and decided to shoot elliot a text before heading back to bed.

today at 7:28am
alejandro → elliot

baby boy 🦋💍
morning beauty. i had to get back home but i'll come by later on. love u 💘

zy's corner
uh 😐 i have no excuse for not updating these past two days. here's a short filler chapter and then i'm updating again once i wake up

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