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☔️☁️out of love alessia cara 2:41 ——————|————— 3:47

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out of love
alessia cara
2:41 ——————|————— 3:47

no use wondering why your changing heart has wandered.
so i ask you this question
'cause it might help me sleep longer.
oh, when did you fall out of love?
out of love
oh, when did you run out of love for me?
out of love (out of love)
out of love (out of love)
out of love with me

thoughts of the past few months ran through elliot's mind the next morning. alejandro never showed any signs of doubting their relationship or being uninterested, so when exactly did his love for her run out? or even diminish? she had no idea but it was killing her not to have the answer to these questions. and that reasoning alone was the reason why elliot found herself in alejandro's kitchen at 9 in the morning awkwardly staring at him. the tension between the two was painful but she needed her answers.
"elliot, what are you doing here?" the boy asked.
"i need answers to the questions i have and i can't leave until they're answered."
"when did you know that you were falling out of love with me?"
the tone of her voice broke alejandro's heart. he knew her all too well and he knew that after last night, she'd spend hours comparing herself to katie and pointing all the flaws she saw in the mirror. she'd think about why she wasn't good enough and why he'd chosen someone over her. how she'd always be a second choice to someone. how she pushed the boy she was in love with into the arms of someone else. someone better than her when that wasn't the case. there's never been a comparison between katie and elliot for ale. he never even noticed that katie had caught his attention until elliot pointed it out. but no matter what happened between the two, alejandro never wanted to make elliot feel the way she did.
"i never knew that i was falling out of love because i wasn't. i was always loyal to you and appreciative of you and in love with you until yesterday night. i never wanted to lose you and i still don't. i never planned to like someone else and i'm still not even sure if i like katie."
those words were enough to break elliot once again. the fact that the presence of someone else made alejandro doubt his love for her hurt. it hurt a fucking lot, if she was being honest with herself. suddenly, being around alejandro was too much and before she could even think tears were falling down her face.
"beauty, please don't cry."
the sight of her tears was enough to make alejandro cry. he was hurting her and never even meant to. he thought being honest would've been a great choice but he was so wrong for that. the tears on the beautiful girl's face stream down faster and his heart cracked at the sight.
"beauty..." he trailed off.
"i-i should go. this was a bad idea. i shouldn't have come here. i'm going home." she stutters.
"wait please. you don't have to leave. i'm sorry. truly." the sentence comes out as more of a whimper and alejandro flinches at the sound of his own voice. he sounded desperate and the truth is, he was. he couldn't stand the thought of elliot leaving his house hurting any more than she already was.
"please. just...stay. for me?" the desperate tone in his voice sounded worse than a moment ago.
and before elliot had chance to tell ale that she'd stay, a knock sounded at the front door and they looked at each other in pure confusion before heading towards the door. alejandro swung the door open to find katie on his doorstep with a smile on her face.
"hey alejandro, i was just in the neighborhood and decided to stop-." she stated before locking eyes with elliot.
"oh. hey, elliot." she spat bitterly.
anger built up in elliot as soon as those three words left katie's mouth.
"hey. i'm leaving now, alex." her words dripped in sickeningly sweet sarcasm as she pushed past the two and to her car.
"katie what the hell are you doing here?" ale spat.
"i saw elliot come here and thought you might need back up."
"dude no and it's not even your place to come over unannounced."
alejandro was beyond angry at katie and wanted to chase after his beauty.
"can you go? i can't deal with you right now." he pushed the door closed on katie and went straight to his room.

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