Good Time

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When they had put the pizza into the oven, Jimin and Yoongi sat on the couch and ate the leftover toppings they couldn't fit into the pizza.

"Jin would never let me cook on my own in his kitchen." Jimin says, munching on a piece of green pepper. "Says I'd have to do it myself one day."

"Jin the head chef right?" Yoongi asked, reaching over to get some pepperoni for himself. Jimin nodded. "Yeah, but for some reason he lets Namjoon join him, and he's even more of a disaster than I am!" Yoongi chuckled.

"Oh~, I feel so bad for you~," Jimin slapped him for his teasing. "Alright, you don't have to get violent on me." Jimin huffed but nonetheless leaned back.

"Anyways," Yoongi continued. "Who's Namjoon?"

"Jin's mate and the head advisor."



Yoongy cleared his throat. "How long?" Jimin hummed to himself. "Around five years. You should've seen how Namjoon acted every time Jim came into view. I swear he also combusted. It's adorable really."

Yoongi could almost imagine that, but he doesn't know what the other looks like.

"By the way," Jimin continued. "I really liked your performance," the omega looked shy now, and Yoongi felt his heart strings tug. "I don't know how to explain it." Jimin tried, his hands now making movements as he tried to describe Yoongis performance.

Eventually he gave up and just said, "it was captivating." That prompted Yoongi to laugh. "You really think so?" Jimin nodded, blushing now as he complimented Yoongi.

Hearing Jimin speak so highly of him made his ears and heart feel warm.

"Thank you." Yoongi coughed, making Jimin smile softly at him. Just then, the oven timer dinged, and Jimin shot up from his seat on the couch to run over and peer into the window.

"It looks so good!" Jimin cried while salivating. He reached into the upper cupboard to pull out a pair of oven mitts. He opened the door and pulled out the pizza, steaming with gooey cheese on the top.

He quickly put it on the cooling rack, already looking absolutely ravenous.

"Wait till it cools down a bit." Yoongi warned, a afraid that the other might accidentally burn himself on his tongue.

Once the pizza cooled enough to be held without dropping them in pain, Yoongi watched as Jimin literally inhaled the entire piece.

"Woah, slow down." Yoongi chuckled as Jimin stuffed half of a quarter piece of pizza in his mouth. "You might choke, and I don't want to have to make you hurl."

Jimin grumbled something unintelligible, but slowed down nonetheless. When he cleared his mouth, Jimin spoke. "I didn't get to eat since this morning."

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