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Trigger warning.

The plate flew at me quickly, and I squeezed my eyes shut preparing for impact. The throw was lopsided, and luckily missed by a couple of inches. It hit the wall behind me, and shattered into a million pieces. It was one of my favourite plates, the blue floral ones with gold trim. It came from a set of wedding plates from Moms first marriage.

"You are an ungrateful little brat!"

Lonnies loud, aggressive tone sent a fearful shiver down my spine. I studied his hatful, petrifying eyes and tried to hide my fear. He smelled faintly of cigars and liquor. Things never went well when he was like this, and I prepared myself for the worst.

"Clean this up. Now." He barked his order, sending saliva flying across my face. I was stubborn, I always have been, and I kept my small purple converse planted on the ground, refusing to acknowledge the spit.

I looked past Lonnie, out the window. I silently wished for my mother to come home from grocery shopping. The hot, dry air of California was exhausting, and the heat had made me careless around the monster in our home. I tried to block out his stench as I looked out the window, and distracted myself by looking at the colours in the sunset.

The purples have always been my favourite...

"Now!" Lonnie moved forward as he shouted, shoving me into the pile of glass shards. I landed on my hands, and tears filled my eyes as I let out a painful gasp. When I held them up the sight made me stick to my stomach. My palms were bloodily sliced open in multiple spots, and there was a shards of glass stuck.

"Stop crying, grow up and start cleaning." Lonnie demanded, dismissing the blood that gushed from my wounds. Lonnie grabbed his flask, paying no more attention to me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the pain in my hands. When I opened them I shakily reached for my palm and pulled out one of the bigger shards, throwing it into the pile of blood and glass that surrounded me.

Carefully, I started to move the bigger shards of plate into a pile and pick through the sickly pools of blood and glass that surrounded me.

"Mom!" I screamed for her help, preying Lonnie was passed out on the couch by now. I didn't want him to come back and hurt her, because I knew he'd be much worse.

"Mom, help me!" I screamed as loud as I could,
as the kitchen door opened and I saw my mother, Renée Dwyer, with a bag of groceries. She dropped the bags everywhere, her face was horrified.


I sat up screaming the words, sobbing. My heart pounded so hard I thought it was going to explode. I looked at my once bloodied, sliced up hands to see that there was no glass, and they were no longer bloodied. The gashes had faded into small white scares.


It was just a bad dream. Just an old memory.

It took me a couple of seconds to process my surroundings, and what was going on around me. Esme was standing at the door, looking afraid for me. She was speaking to Carlisle who stood behind her, but I couldn't make out their words clearly enough to understand what they were saying. My senses were disoriented. When I looked back in front of me I noticed that Edward had been sitting there. His hand was on my shoulder, he had been shaking me.

Trouble : Twilight (Edward Cullen x Bella Swan.)Where stories live. Discover now