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As the afternoon after biology passed my anger was subsided into nothing but a cinders. It was still burning- only not as strong as the fire it had been today in class.

At the end of the day Edward watched me from his locker, only five doors down the hall from mine. I gave him no attention but before leaving I made sure to subtly flash my motorcycle keys- specifically the wolf charm- in his direction, just get under that icy skin of his.

I went straight to the Rez after school. I needed a friend that I could talk to about all of this; someone that was a promise not to start over dramatic rumours or talk behind my back. Jacob was the answer. It seemed like he was the only friend I had that managed to fit the bill.

And thankfully after all of the small talk we made for the first hour or so, he was delighted to hear me moan and complain about the Cullens. I told him everything that Edward and I had been through over the past two months- minus the bullet he had miraculously survived- and he seemed, in a sickening way, pleased. He was practically overjoyed that I was no longer infatuated with Edward, and occasionally chimed into my rant with unsettling insults of his own.

It didn't sit right with me to hear the cruel words come from him. From me they were superficial and as badly as I wanted them to be true, they were meaningless. Even if Edward was a possibly psychotic, haughty, know-it-all, he was still mine and I didn't want to let that go. I couldn't; he was too kind to me. I had gotten too vulnerable and attached to him, and that was never going to go away no matter how badly I wished it would.

That made me even more angry.

"He's just so... so cocky." I glowered bitterly. I couldn't see Jakes expression but I knew my rant was entertaining him. Still, I couldn't stop. "And he's beautiful, Jake. He's so stupidly good looking and he knows it too."

I heard Jake scoff from beneath the vehicle he worked on, but I dismissed it.

"And the way Edward looks at me- my anger- as if it's funny to him, it's like it's all still some sort of game that I'll loose and he'll win because that's the way it has always gone. And that's because he's always right." I was working myself up into yet another fit of rage and I got up, unable to sit still any longer. "I don't even mind loosing to him and that's not even the sickest, most messed up part. A small part of me even enjoys loosing."

I kicked a wrench that Jake had carelessly left on the ground and glared as it slide to the other side of the shed.

"I like the way he's always right. I like his obnoxious curiosity and infatuation with me. I like his attention." I stomped coldly across the shed to retrieve the tool before Jake needed it again. Stupid Edward. I exhaled as I turned the wrench over in my hand. The coldness of the metal reminded me of Edwards hands, and the comfort they brought. I found myself longing to hold them again. My glare relaxed into a sad, neutral look. As mad as I was, I knew it was all pretend. It was a just mask to protect myself from my feelings because I didn't want to admit them.

"I like him. I really like him."

Jake scoffed again, upset and disapproving of my revelation.

"You like him?" He emerged from beneath the engine he worked on- a smudge of thick black oil across his cheek. He was upset and I knew he was about to say something harsh. "Bella, Edward is a liar and he isn't treating you right. He's a monster. He's a soulless, psychopathic monster."

Trouble : Twilight (Edward Cullen x Bella Swan.)Where stories live. Discover now