𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙊𝙣𝙚

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Hey everyone!

Sorry for being MIA recently. Here's the new chapter at last!

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Trigger warning for overconsumption of alcohol. Always drink responsibly and have a DD/a plan on how to get home safely.

- Syd

Noise. It all just sounded like noise. The clicking of the glass bottles being cheered together, the EDM music so loud I could feel it rattle my bones before I could have the chance process the sound, shouts from friends who hadn't seen each other in hours- collage boys meeting up with their senior buddies, maybe.

Then there was movement. I could see at least ten girls doing beautiful body rolls I could never dream of achieving, slowly and rhythmically edging themselves closer to whichever football player or hunk seemed nearest. One guy was on his stomach, stretched across the ground and attempting to do the worm. It wasn't exactly bad per say, but I still couldn't seem to watch the futile attempt. The dim lights flashed, making my mind spin. It was almost like I hadn't known real overstimulation until this moment.

"Let's get you a drink." Jake grinned. he dissapeared into the crowed  of clumsy students. as soon as his back was turned i felt my lips tighten, another awkward face of discomfort. Natural reaction. i was stuck in the middle- half of me- the stupid half of me- wanted to conqore the alcohol, control the trauma; that wasn't the stupid part. The stupidity came from the way the thought most prominent in my mind was that of Edwards frustrated face. The furrow of his brow. The calm snappiness of his voice. I craved the idea of pissing him off. I had to prove I was right; I knew msyelf and he knew nothing. My mouth practically watered at the idea of showing up to school tomorrow, tired still, only this time because i'd been out having the time of my life with Jake.

"Thanks." I mumbled as Jake sloped a drink in my hands. It was a red solo cup, an iconic object is believed only to be seen in movies, and it was filled with a bubbly ginger coloured liquid. It smelt terrible.



My eyes flashed up to see who had called for my companion, and I saw Jacobs accomplices. Quil and Embry. Both were holding their red cups, sloshing about the liquids tipsily.

"I'll be right back." Jake said, his hand sliding along my shoulder as he left. I sighed. How typical. I looked around, trying to navigate the best spot to hide away from the festivities. That's when I spotted a familiar face slouching sadly by the snack table. Confused, and protectively, I made my way over.

There, eating a handful of cheese puffs, was little Seth Clearwater. He looked unhappy, just as much as I was.

"Aren't you a little young to be at a collage party?" I asked, helping myself to a cheese puff.

"I know." Seth said, his voice glum. "Quil and Embry talked me into it, said now that I was a real wolf I could hang out with them, but as soon as we got here they just.. left."

"Would you believe if I told you Jake did the exact same thing to me?" I scoffed, setting my drink down. "Those wolves are trouble." I smiled half heartedly, trying to lighten the mood.

Seth laughed, and nodded in agreement. Then we settled back into the uncomfortable quiet, neither of us wanting to be at the party.

"They keep telling me to drink." Seth said, finally breaking the silence. His voice was bitter, and upset. "They keep telling me that I'm grown up now, and part of the pack. But I just... I don't want this." He scowled at his solo cup, and I nodded, suddenly relaxed now that I knew we felt the same way.

Trouble : Twilight (Edward Cullen x Bella Swan.)Where stories live. Discover now