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The weekend went by in a flash, and before I knew it I was in my truck on my way to school. Carefully, I pulled into my regular parking spot. It was far from the front entrance for the school. One of the more unpopular parking areas. I liked it though because it meant I had less of a chance scraping another car or accidentally running over another student.

My headphones were in, and tiredly I stumbled out of my truck and locked up. I peered up at the sky, checking for storm clouds, and to my relief I saw none. Today Forks was hidden under its usual blanket of soft grey clouds. They weren't rain clouds, at least not yet.

I felt spacey this morning. I hadn't been sleeping well recently and the sleepover I had at the Cullens had damaged my sleep schedule. Today I was running on a solid four and a half hours.

"Bella!" A shrill voice screamed over my music. Startled I ripped out my ear buds, and when I looked up I froze. I large black motorcycle was hurdling full speed toward me.

For a split second I watched in horror, frozen in place. Unable to react. I could hear worried screams of people by the main door, and before I could process anything else it pulled to a fast stop only feet away from me.

My heart was pounding, and my eyes were wide. Talk about near death experiences.

I looked back at the door to see everyone standing, looking just as frozen and terrified as I was feeling. I saw Alice with wide, horrified eyes, and beside her was Edward, who looked like he was about to come over. Before I could read more into Edwards expression I turned back to the person driving the moter cycle.

Nobody at Forks High school had a motorcycle. If they did they'd undoubtably be the new, most popular person in the school.

The tall, buff figure reached up to his Helmet. I watched, as I was sure most of the school was from the door, waiting for the man who almost kill me to be revealed.

My eyes widened as they met a set of unforgettable dark brown ones.

"Ohmygod!" I gasped, lost for words. It was none other than Jacob Black, the son of Charlie's best friend. The two of us had grown up playing at La Push well our fathers would fish, and he was one of my first friends when I'd first moved here. It took us a couple of times seeing each other to reconnect as older teenagers, but we bonded quickly. The two of us would spend hours together building bikes together in Jakes shed on the Rez, but we never had time to finish them.

"Sorry for the scare, Loca." Jake laughed, and he held his arms open for a hug. Instinctively, I dashed forward and swung my arms around him.

"Jake, you complete moron!" I snapped with a grin. Although I'd just been momentarily terrified and watched my life flash before my eyes, I couldn't be mad. "What are you doing here?!"

Jake had gone through some trouble after he lost his mother last Christmas before the two of us met, and his father decided he needed time away from Forks to find himself. He'd been sent up to northern Canada to stay with relatives.

Last time I'd seen him was April, seven months ago. He's changed, gotten taller. Stronger. And he'd cut off his long, thick black hair to a shorter, cleaner, shaved look.

"I'm back! Billie came for a visit a couple of days ago and decided I was no longer troubled." He grinned as he let me out of his embrace. "And take a look."

Trouble : Twilight (Edward Cullen x Bella Swan.)Where stories live. Discover now