part 2

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my mum walked into my room to wake me up, but i hadn't slept so i was already awake. "sweetie, time to get up" i sat up and looked at the floor. "me and dan want to have a chat with you today, so is that fine" she asked, i nodded. "well you can come get breakfast and then we can have a little chat" my mum smiled. "i...i'm not hungry" i smiled, weakly. "well then, why don't we have a chat" she smiled. i nodded and she left to get dan. i got out of bed and pulled on a jumper i had packed. my mum and dan came back. "you have no manners" dan angrily stated as soon as he walked in. "and if you're ever going to stay in this house again, you better start learning some" he was almost yelling. "what dan is meaning to say, is that yesterday you were quite rude when you refused to do the dishes" my mum smiled a little. "so maybe when we ask you to do something you could do it" my mum asked politely. "because when you don't it's disrespectful and just rude towards me and your mother" dan said. "oh and what do you know, you probably had mummy and daddy giving you everything in your life, well guess what? not everybody has that" i almost yelled.

"max, calm down" my mum tried. "no. you don't get a say in my life. why don't you try being beaten and treated like shit every single day of your fucking life" i shouted. i was on the verge of breaking down. "look, you can't always throw yourself a pity party because something happened to you. you just need to man up and deal with it like everyone else around here" dan shouted back, but this time my mum was trying to stop both of us. "says you, you've never been through anything in your life. you're just a spoiled dick who has no fucking problems and always just eased by" i yelled back. "right stop" my mum screamed. "you out" she told dan. he sighed and walked out. "you, just try be nicer, i know you are. ever since you were a little kid you always had the biggest smile on your face. i know your dad did things but he's better now" she smiled. we hugged each other.

it was about lunchtime and my mum came up to my room, i was watching tv but i didn't really know what to watch to i was just looking. "honey it's time for lunch" my mum smiled as she popped her head through the door. "i'm not that hungry" i said again. "oh sweetie you must be, you haven't eaten today" she walked over to me. "no, i'm fine" i stated as she looked quite concerned. "well at least eat at dinner or before, just know if you get hungry there's always food" my mum smiled before leaving.

i hated being babied, my dad never babied me, he would just let me do what i want. he didn't care if i ate, if i slept or anything. he just didn't care, but in this house it's like i breathe and all of a sudden everyone's all up in my shit. i sighed. my mum really does have a bad taste in men. "paul, what are you doing here" i heard my mum ask, dad? "i just needed to speak with you" i walked over to my door to listen in on the conversation. "about what?" my mum asked my dad. "look, things with me and cherry aren't going too well" i wasn't surprised, they'd been basically ignoring each other for the last few days of the holiday. "okay and how do i come into this" my mum asked. "i need max and brooklyn to come stay with you for a little while" my dad sounded so sad. "i don't know, it's been a long time since tilly was a baby" she said. "trust me, max can handle it, he takes care of her all the time" my dad tried convincing her. "we don't have a bed or anything" "her and max can sleep together, please sara, please. i need you right now" my dad pleaded. "alright fine" my mum finally agreed.

it was about time for dinner by the time i'd unpacked for me and brooklyn. my dad had explained to me that him and cherry were going away, but he doesn't know i heard his conversation. "dinner" i took brooklyn's hand and we walked down the stairs. i put her in the seat next to me and we began eating, just after dinner, i was about to leave before dan stopped me. "dishes" he smiled. i sighed and gathered the plates before going over to do the dishes. "okay bye daddy, thanks for dinner" that 20 year old said as she hugged dan. "bye sweetie" dan smiled as they closed the door behind her. so dan had other kids, 2 other kids. they're clearly spoiled though 'daddy' i mean who calls their dad daddy, unless your like 0-5.

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