part 15

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me and my dad had been avoiding each other since i didn't take care of brooklyn and tilly. i didn't care, i was mostly glad, he was a dick and i was still scared of him. when he gets angry i'm just terrified that he'll hit me or throw something at me, like he used to do. i think my mum was probably the only reason he hadn't just yet. she was so authoritative over everyone. i even once saw her shout at an old lady because she was standing in her way.

i woke up and sighed, i looked at my alarm clock and saw it was only 9am. i rolled back over and tried to get the sleep, it was working until my door opened. "max" my dad angrily said as he grabbed my arm. he pulled me up "ow dad that hurts" i complained, he didn't seem like he cared. he pulled me through the house and into our basement, i didn't even know we had a basement. i felt his grip loosen as he threw me against the cold wall, i shivered as the cold went flying through my body. i looked up at my dad as he started walking closer to me. i took a deep breath and began imagining what he would do. he hasn't been like this since he got out of prison, but i think that just made him stronger.

i curled up into a ball as i looked up and saw my dad towering over me. he bent over and smacked me in the face. it hurt a lot, a lot more than i remember. then another one, i heard him take a deep breath, like he was enjoying this. then another, i felt my nose trickle with blood. he hit me again and again, my nose was gushing with blood. he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up, he plunged his fist into my gut, then again and again. he let me go and i fell to the ground he kicked me once more before he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. he just turned around and walked away, i coughed and a bit of blood came up. i spat it on the ground and just lay there with my face and gut aching. my dad slammed the basement door and i heard the lock lock. i sighed as i lay on the cold floor with just my pyjama trousers on. i didn't feel cold i didn't feel anything.

id been in the basement for about 2 hours and i was so sore, i had a black eye and my lip was cut open. i looked at my stomach and saw a couple of bruises on it. i sighed, i definitely didn't miss this. i was liking my new dad but he just had to go back to his old ways. i wish my mum was here and not at work. i hated it. i thought she didn't have a job but she must have one. i didn't know and i didn't care anymore, i hated this entire house and i just wanted to leave.

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