part 22

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for the past week i'd been coming to help at oliver's school, i'd even started making friends with some of the teachers. today though was my last day, i had to go back to actual school on monday and i didn't want to, i wanted to keep helping. "max" miss harris called on me as the bell for break rang. i finished collecting in the jotters and walked over to her. "yeah" i asked. "listen i know you don't want to go to school next week and you'd rather stay here, so i can get in contact with your school and say you can help part time here" she told me, i smiled. "you'd do that" i asked, she nodded with a smile on her face "i would have to tutor you in the school you're going to miss" she told me, i didn't even need to debate it, i immediately nodded. "that'd be great" i smiled at her. she nodded and i left to go play with the kids. it was fun being here, i could maybe actually sit my exams and get qualifications to work here, or in another school.

it was lunchtime and i was sitting in the staffroom with all the teachers, it did feel a bit weird but i didn't mind that much. "max" miss harris smiled as she sat down beside me, i nodded as i took another bite of my sandwich. "i phoned your school" she told me, pausing slightly, i was starting to assume that they would have said no, "they agreed as long as you behave and do every bit of homework that's set" she told me, i nodded "i will, i promise" i smiled, she nodded and patted my back slightly. i sat there eating the rest of my sandwich realising that i was staying here, a smile appeared across my face. i think deciding to move here was the best decision of my life.

i was walking home with oliver when he put his arms up the be carried. i picked him up and he hugged me "please don't leave its fun with you there" he told me, i laughed slightly. "maybe i don't have to leave" i told him, "your teacher told me i can come part time to your school and part time at my own" i smiled, he hugged me tighter. "yay" he screamed slightly. i laughed and started walking again. it was great to see oliver happy, because that make me happy, he really was like the little brother i never had.

we got home and i saw a car i didn't recognise. i wondered who it was but i didn't go that far into thinking about it. i walked in and put oliver down, he went running away looking for amanda. "miss harris" i hear oliver say, i was confused and walked through to the kitchen where i saw miss harris sitting with amanda. "so max, miss harris tells me you've got a little part time job at olivers school" amanda said, i nodded. "i just thought i should tell you myself" miss harris smiled "also max your school sent me some papers that they want you to do by monday so i was thinking we could go over them together" she smiled, i nodded "sounds like a plan" i smiled. i showed miss harris to my room where we were going to study, amanda suggested it as her study was being used by chris and there was no other space.

we sat at the desk, i hardly ever used it because i never did my homework. we started doing maths, that was my worst subject ever. i sighed when she left me to do an example question by myself. "come on at least try" she laughed slightly "why though" i complained. "because if you want to be a teacher you need to do maths" she told "yeah like year 1 stuff not high school shit" i informed her. "wow watch your language" she laughed. "oh please, i swear all the time" i told her, "i know you do, but you shouldn't" she laughed again. "well what are you gonna do about it" i asked her, "i don't know what can i do" she smiled, we were both slowly leaning in. "whatever you want to do" i said quietly to her just before our lips connected. we kept kissing, getting more intimate as it progressed. "wait" she said as she pulled away, i looked at her. "i shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong" she told me, "but it feels so good doesn't it" i smirked "god you're right" she smiled as she leaned in and we continued our kiss. there was a knock at the door and we immediately pulled away and pretended to be working. "everything okay in here" amanda asked, we both nodded "fine" we said in unison.

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