part 4

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me and brooklyn finally got to go back to my dads, this time there was no cherry. "dad, where's cherry" i asked him, he looked a little worried. "i'll tell you later max" he said as he looked at brooklyn. "thanks again for having them sara, it really saved my life" he smiled and they gave each other a hug, i hadn't seen them this happy in forever. i smiled as i got brooklyn into her car seat. my dad messed up my hair and smiled at me. "bye mum" i smiled as gave her a slight hug. i sighed and got in the car, i liked my mum but i never wanted to stay in that house again.

we got home and i immediately went straight to my room. "max" my dad said coming into my room, i looked at him and nodded. "i need you to put brooklyn to bed then i'll answer that question you asked in the car" he said, I nodded and stood up to put brooklyn bed. "bed time" i smiled as i walked into brooklyn's room. she jumped into bed "nighy" she smiled and i kissed her forehead. "night, love you" i smiled as i pulled her covers up and walked over to her door. "wuv wou" she said to me as i shut the door. i smiled and walked back to my room. my dad was waiting on my bed. "look, max" he said as i sat down beside him. "the truth is cherry left me, she ran off with an older man" he said, sounding sad. i wasn't good in sad situations "woah, older than you, he must be ancient" i joked, he looked at me. "okay that was a little funny" he smiled a little. i laughed a little more.

once my dad was away i decided just to have a chill night, i could just feel that i wasn't going to sleep. i lay in my bed and stuck on a random movie. i wasn't going to pay attention to it. i went onto snapchat and responded to some of them. there was one from this girl that i liked from my school. she asked if she could come over, i agreed and told her my address but i also told her to come in through my window. i waited for her to come and got ready, it sounded stupid but i wanted to impress her. i quickly put all my dirty clothes away and stuff as they were lying all across my floor. i got changed into just some grey joggers and made my bed. i lay on my bed and waited.

i heard a knock at my window and got up and opened it. "hey" i smiled and helped her in. i closed my window. we both lay on my bed, i was next to the wall and she was beside me. "can you put on big mouth, i love that show" she smiled, i nodded and put it on for her. i sat on my phone and she cuddled into me and i put my arm around her. i put my phone away and stroked her hair a little. i watched that big mouth that she put on and it was pretty funny. she looked up at me and i looked down at her. "yeah" i asked, suddenly she sat up and kissed me. i didn't hesitate before kissing her back.

the kiss got more passionate, we were fully making out. i slowly put my hand up her skirt. she immediately pulled it out and pulled away from the kiss. "i'm not here to sleep with you, i just wanna kiss. is that so hard to ask for" she asked me, i shook my head. "no, i just thought" i began "you thought wrong" she snapped at me. "okay, sorry" i apologised. she went back to kissing me, so did i.

eventually we stopped and were back to cuddling. i was almost asleep as it was like 3am but i still felt a little awake. emily has drifted off to sleep at like 12 so i was just stuck in on position. i sighed a little and shut my eyes. i was asleep before i knew it.

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