part 8

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i was back at my dads. it was about 2am. i was getting a little tired, i find it hard to sleep, but i suddenly got this huge wave of emotion. i suddenly felt happy, like joyous and super just hyper. i got up and walked over to my computer, it wasn't really mines but it was in my room so i was taking it. i turned it on and opened up spotify. i started playing music, it wasn't at a very high volume as i didn't really want to disrupt anyone in the house. i was jamming out to my music, genuinely just having a good time.

"max, can you keep it down" my dad asked me as he opened my door, he looked exhausted. "yeah" i nodded and turned it down, it was like quite quiet and i was struggling to hear it. i was jamming out lip syncing to the songs. when my door opened again, i was expecting it to be my dad but when i turned i was met by someone i was not expecting. "mum?" i asked, a little confused. "look max, keep it down okay, you're going to wake the kids" she said as she walked away, i paused my music and followed her. "um, what are you doing here" i asked her, it came off a bit cheeky. "max, she's here because she had a rat infestation, i told her she's welcome here" my dad said, walking out of his room. "where's she sleeping" i asked "her, tilly and leo are taking brooklyn's room and brooklyn is going to sleep in either my room or your room" he smiled. "sure they are" i laughed a little and headed back to my bedroom.

i couldn't believe we were literally living as a family, i don't even know if i want to be a family anymore. we've spent so much time apart that it feels odd to be together. i jumped on my bed and began thinking about everything, was the rat infestation even true? are you sure my mum and dad weren't actually sleeping in the same room? would i have to share a room? while these thoughts ran through my head my eyes began getting droopy and i fell asleep.

i woke with someone throwing something at me, it hit my face and hurt. "ow" i groaned and opened my eyes. seeing not only brooklyn but brooklyn, tilly and even leo all standing there. "shit" i swore as my dad walked past. "oi, you watch your language alright" he told me off, coming into my room. "aren't you up yet" he asked me, i shook my head. "nah i've been up for hours just decided to lay in bed and pretend to sleep" i smiled sarcastically and sat up. "no need to be cheeky" my mum said as she walked into my room. "are we just having a party in my room like" i asked them. my mum and dad laughed and everyone finally got out. i sighed and flopped back down on my bed. i couldn't believe this was going to be my life for a while.

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