part 14

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i didn't mind being suspended for 2 weeks, it meant i got to lie in bed, asleep, all day. i got to lounge around and not do fuck all to do. like yeah school sent me work but was i fuck gonna do it. instead i was gonna watch netflix all day and all night. the only problem, i had to babysit. unlike last time the sweets and chocolate and cake and sugar foods were kept in a cupboard that was locked by my dad. i didn't really care because i could go out and buy my own.

i was awoke by tilly and brooklyn screaming as they ran through the house. they came into my room. "maxxxxx" tilly said as she swung on the door. "we're hungry" brooklyn added. "yeah well i'm tryna sleep" i said as i tossed over. "please max" they both said as they walked over to my bed. "what do you guys even eat" i asked them. "anything" brooklyn yelled. "alright jeez calm down" i laughed slightly. i sat up and yawned. "come on" tilly said as she pulled my arm "shouldn't you be in school or something" i asked her. "no i'm not old enough, i got after summer" tilly told me. "oooo how great" i sarcastically said.

after i got their breakfast i just went back to bed. i lay down and try to fall back asleep. i hate getting up earlier than i wanted to. i couldn't get back to sleep so i turned on my tv and started watching big mouth. i went on my phone and snap chatted some people. one was from emily and it just made me hornier. i started feeling my dick getting hard. i was about to start jerking off when brooklyn came running in. "maxie we want to go to the park" she told me. "go get dressed then" i told her. "you need to help me" she complained. "ugh fine" i complained as i stood up. she wouldn't have noticed my boner and it would eventually go away.

i helped get brooklyn dressed and helped both of them get their shoes on before i had to go get my clothes on. i quickly got my shoes on and left with tilly and brooklyn to go to the park. i sat on the bench at the park and played on my phone, almost falling asleep. i was just so tired and i didn't like it. i put my elbow on my thigh and my head on my hand and closed my eyes. i felt myself in the faze of almost asleep but the tiniest thing would happen and i'd wake back up. it was terrible but i'm pretty sure i was  getting sleep anyway so who really cares. "maxxxx" tilly and brooklyn yelled as they walked up to me. i jumped a little as i woke up. "ugh just go play" i complained as i went to try and fall back asleep. "we want ice cream" tilly smiled. i sighed. "fine i'll get you some" i smiled as i stood up and took them to the supermarket.

i bought like 2 tubs of ice cream and walked back home. i left them in the living room and went to my bedroom. i didn't really care what happened to them not because i didn't care but they would probably get all hoped up on sugar again. i didn't care and i just wanted to sleep. i got back to sleep finally but i was woken up, what felt like 5 minutes later. "max" my dad came rushing into my room. "what" i groaned as i rolled over. "these" he said as he threw the ice cream tubs at me. "what are these, i told you not to give them sugar" he shouted. "well maybe you shouldn't trust me anymore" i said as i threw them back at him. "you're useless" he yelled at me as he left my room and slammed the door. i sighed and just turned over. i was so fucked, i'm surprised that my dad hasn't started hitting me again.

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