part 21

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it was my first full week at amanda's. social services cared a little but i was 16 so i could almost decide where i wanted to live. also i just used to excuse that i felt unsafe and worried and they didn't really question it. though i had to move back to school over here but i don't start for another week or two. that meant i got to spend as much time with oliver and naomi as i could before i go to school. which meant, picking them up from school, taking them both to the park when amanda and her new boyfriend wanted some alone time. her new boyfriend is actually quite nice, he understood what i was going through and even started trying to be a dad. he really warmed my heart and i loved it.

oliver came in and jumped on me, it was about 6:30 in the morning and i was so tired. id only had like 4 hours of sleep. "wake up" he screamed. i groaned "i'm up" i told him, not opened your eyes. "no you're not" he shook me. "okay" i groaned as i sat up, opening my eyes. "yay" oliver jumped up and down. "don't you have school" i asked him. "yeah in like 2 hours" he smiled as he climbed onto my bed. "oliver" chris, amanda's boyfriend asked as he walked through the door. "oliver finally" he smiled. "ahh" oliver screamed as he hid behind me, "come on i'm not a scary monster" chris told him, i laughed. "yes you are" oliver laughed as he peeked his head up from behind me. i stood up and walked over to chris "let me handle this" i told him, he nodded and left. "oliver, do you want to know what chris just told me" i asked, he nodded. "he told me to gobble you up" i said as he grabbed him and pretended to start eating him. "stop" oliver laughed, i stopped and oliver eventually stopped laughing. "now go get dressed for school" i told him as i carried him through to his room.

i had got dressed as well, i helped oliver get his bag ready and lifted him down the stairs. i let him down when we got to the bottom of the stairs and he ran off into the living room. i walked into the kitchen "morning max" amanda smiled, i smiled back. "morning" i said. "breakfast" she offered, "yeah" oliver screamed as he ran through as jumped on my legs. "max" she asked, i nodded. "yeah" i smiled. she made us both toast with chocolate spread, oliver wanted the same as me. "hey max" chris asked as i walked into the living room. "yeah" i asked, "can you drove oliver and naomi at school today" he asked, i nodded. "yeah sure" i smiled. i always had a feeling naomi didn't like me but she was nice to me so that was the main thing.

i helped oliver tie his shoes and get his jacket on. "you know he can that by himself" amanda said as i finished helping him get his jacket on, i nodded "it's just nice to be wanted" i said as i opened the door. "don't forget to pick up milk and bread on your way home" amanda reminded me, i nodded. oliver took my hand as naomi stood beside me as i closed the door. "right let's go" i smiled. naomi actually took my hand as we all walked hand in hand with each other all the way to their school.

"bye" naomi said as she ran off. oliver was a bit more reluctant to go. the bell went after a few minutes of oliver standing with me. "okay bye oliver" i smiled and tried to let go of his hand. he held on. i crouched down to look at him "what's up" i asked him "i want to stay with you" he told me, "i want to stay with you too but you have to go to school" i told him "but you don't" he looked at me, he looked really sad. "i am going to next week" i informed him. "but i don't wanna go" he said as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "excuse me is there a problem here" i heard someone ask, i looked up and saw a tall, black woman. i smiled at her, "it's fine just oliver doesn't want to go" i told her, she nodded. i took his hands and unwrapped then from my neck, i managed to stand up, oliver just grabbed onto my leg. that's when i got a really good look at her, she had dark brown hair with hazel eyes and my god was she beautiful. "oliver" she said as she bent down to talk to him. "why don't you want to go in" she asked him, "because i don't want to leave max" he told her. "what if max comes in with you" she asked, he nodded. she looked at me "is that okay" she asked, i nodded. she showed me to the classroom, i had to text amanda to tell her i had to go and sit in with oliver.

it was officially lunch time in school and i was currently being attacked by about 100 year 1's. suddenly they all disbanded, i looked up and saw the woman, who i learned was the head teacher. she reached her hand out, i took it and she helped me up. "so who are you anyway" she asked me, i wiped myself off "i'm max" i smiled "oliver's family are my foster family" i told her. "who are you" i asked her, "i'm miss harris, i'm olivers teacher" she told me. "aren't you a little you young to be a teacher" i asked her "i'm 19" she told me. "isn't that too young" i laughed. "i just skipped a couple of years in school" she told me, "how old are you like" she asked me "i'm 16" i told her, "a bit young" she laughed slightly. "max" oliver yelled as he ran up and jumped on me, i lifted him up. "come play" he asked "in a minute okay" i told him, i let him down and he went running off. "he really likes you" she told me. "maybe you should be a teacher" she suggested. "maybe" i raised my eyebrows. she laughed slightly, "why aren't you in school anyway" she asked me, "i had to move school so i start next week" i told her, she nodded. "max" oliver screamed "i better go" i told her, she nodded.

it was the end of school and i finally got to go home, i had basically been a teaching assistant for the whole day. i actually didn't mind it, i basically was just looking after kids all day. it was very fun, maybe i do want to be a teacher. it just seemed like fun "miss" oliver said as he walked up to her desk, after everyone had left. "yes oliver" she asked him "can max come everyday" he asked, miss harris looked at me and then looked back at oliver "if he wants" she smiled. i might actually come back it was quite fun. "yay" oliver smiled as he ran out of the room. i walked after him, thinking about miss harris, i think i was starting to have a crush on her.

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