part 11

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i was all packed and ready to finally leave spain. i didn't actually mind the school here because you literally could get away with anything, and they got a huge like 3 hour break to go have a nap. it was awesome. now i need to return to my boring old life back home. where i don't get a nap in the middle of school. i said goodbye to my host family and headed off to the bus to then take us to the airport. i gave the bus driver my stuff and got onto the bus. "damn i actually thought this was gonna be shit" ace said "but it was quite good" he smiled. we'd both got quite a good tan while here, which i was surprised about because i usually burn.

once our plane landed we got our luggage and went to meet our families. i sighed, expecting it just to be my dad as my mums rat infestation was gone. to my surprise i saw my mum and dad standing there, my dads arm over my mum. i must of had a confused look on my face "come on we'll explain everything" my mum told me as she grabbed my luggage. i gave ace one last little smile before i got into the car. "so we wanted to text you but figure you were having to much fun in spain" my mum smiled, turning around as my dad started the car. "what" i asked. "we're married" my mum exclaimed, as happy as ever. "what, since when, why didn't you tell me, why" i asked. "we've had it planned for months but we didn't know how to tell you and then this came round and it was perfect" she smiled as she turned back around. "so i missed my own parents wedding" i asked "pretty much" my dad smiled.

we got home and i grabbed my stuff before going to my bedroom, as i walked up the stairs there was now pictures hung up on the wall. pictures of their wedding, i almost threw up at the one of them kissing. not to be childish but it still just weirded me out. i opened the door to my room and it wasn't my room. "WHAT THE FUCK" i screamed. i ran down the stairs "what did you do to my room" i angrily asked. "oh, i turned it into an office for me, you're going to have to sleep with leo now" my mum smiled. i stormed back up the stairs and grabbed my stuff and walked into leo's room. all my stuff had been moved here, everything. i sighed as i unpacked my clothes. "oh hey br-" leo started. "shut up" i said as i put in my headphones. i don't think this day could get any worse.

after dinner i had to do the dishes, i sighed and cleaned and dried and put away every single dish we used. brooklyn and tilly would drop everything, my mum and dad were in the living room cuddling and i didn't really know where leo was. i was guessing he was up the stairs playing his video game. i slowly made my way up the stairs and walked into mine and leo's room. "omg" i shouted as i saw leo laying there stark naked. i covered my eyes and slammed the door shut. "fuck sake" i complained as i sat on the floor outside my bedroom. "um, sorry about that" leo apologised as he walked out our room, heading to the bathroom. i shuddered and walked in, sitting down at my computer and putting on my headphones. listening to music.

it was probably about 1am and leo was asleep, i didn't know how because i was making a lot of noise. i was jamming out to some music, it was blasting through my headphones and i was absolutely loving in. i was basically dancing when the headphones were grabbed off my head. "keep it down" my dad angrily said as leo stood behind him. "fuck off" i quietly complained. "and no more computers after 12" he said as he shut my computer off. i sighed and got into bed as he left. "i'm sorry" leo apologised. "don't talk to me" i angrily said through gritted teeth. i turned over and lay, watching the streetlight light on the wall. we didn't have a blind and so there was just a window. i hated this. i hated that i had to share with my stupid little brother. i hated that my parents were married again. i hated that my dad still terrified me. i hated that i lived in this house. i just hated it.

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