part 13

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i didn't sleep much at night, i was mostly worried about my dad and if he was even bothered that i was gone. he probably wasn't. he was probably more glad than anything, i was just a nuisance and i knew it. if i wasn't then he would have found me, he would have at least looked. i haven't seen him or even received a text from him asking where i am. he just clearly doesn't give a shit.

emily woke up and got ready for school, i got ready for school too. she had an extra set from when her brother went to school. i grabbed my school bag which i had brought with the rest of my stuff, it was the only bag i owned and i didn't have time to take out the school books. me and emily walked to school together, i didn't want to come but i guess i had to.

it was lunch time and i was standing with my friends "woah max, congrats i heard you ran away, guess your mr big shot now" some boy said as he walked up to us. "guess daddy doesn't care enough to come find you" he said, i turned around and looked at him. "you don't know shit about me" i said walking up to him. he shoved me "oh yeah" he spat on the ground. "yeah" i stated as i smacked him in his face. i punched him again and he fell to the ground. i got on top of him and just started pounding his face. a couple minutes later teachers came out and dragged me off him. i still tried to go for him "calm down" mr bates said. "fucking hell" i yelled as i spat on the kid. mr bates and a couple other teachers dragged me inside. i was still so mad, i wanted to just hit something, anything. i was still struggling to get away from the teachers when they locked me in a room to calm down. "let me the fuck out" i screamed as i smacked my hands against the door. "calm down max then we'll have a talk" mr bates told me through the door. i grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it against the wall. i sat down on the table and tried to calm myself down.

i had finally calmed down when mr bates walked into the room, he was the head of behaviour at our school. i didn't want to be here and i didn't want to hear any of his bullshit. turns out he'd called my dad in so he wouldn't be happy because he'd have to come away from work, plus i didn't want to see him.

after the meeting my school came to the conclusion that i was going to be suspended for 2 weeks. i had to go home with my dad, i had no choice. "where did you go" he asked me. "why do you care, you didn't even come try find me" i told him, angrily. "fine, don't tell me" he said. "i wasn't going to" i said as i sat in the front seat. we drove home in silence and i just went straight to my room, leo wasn't there because he was at school so i got my room to myself. i sat on the bed wanting to just run away again but then my mum came in. "i just wanted to come tell you that me and your father are planning on moving houses" she told me. "so" i asked. "so that means your will most likely get you own room" she tried to sound excited. "i don't care" i told her, sounding still very angry. "okay, i just thought you might want to know" she said before leaving my room. i was just so angry, constantly. i just wanted to hit everyone all the time. i didn't know what it was but i just did.

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