part 19

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i got home and my dad seemed angrier than usual, but like he was more tense. i wondered what was up but i didn't want to ask. he would probably just hit me. i went straight to my room and locked the door. i sat on my bed and lay down. i was so tired and i didn't want to bother with anything. i shut my eyes for a few seconds and felt myself drifting off to sleep. i couldn't wake myself up so i just let myself fall asleep.

"max, max wake up" harvey laughed as he threw a pillow at me. "i'm up" i complained. "no you're not, come on it's our birthday, you gotta be more excited" he jumped on top of me. i groaned as he climbed off. "okay now i'm definitely up" i laughed as i sat up. "dad made you waffles and syrup" he smiled, i nodded and we walked down the stairs laughing about things.

we got dressed and headed off to the park, leo and tilly wanted to go and me and harvey decided to help my mum while dad was out at work. it was really fun we played hide and seek and tag. me and harvey decided to sit down and rest. it was pretty tiring running after little kids.

"max" harvey said as we sat down. "i just want you to know that no matter what happens i will always love you" he smiled. suddenly the placing changed. we were now on top of a cliff. sitting on the floor. "harvey" i asked confused. "bye max" he said with a tear in his eye as he walks off the end. i try to run to him but it's like a force is holding me back. i start screaming and shouting for harvey but he was gone. he was gone forever.

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