part 12

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i didnt fall asleep, instead once leo was definitely asleep i grabbed a bag and filled it with some clothes. i genuinely just wanted to leave here and never come back. i made sure to pack my laptop and phone, including chargers in case i could charge them at somebody's house. i didn't want to go out our front door so i opened my window and climbed out, luckily the conservatory was right below our bedroom. i jumped down and managed to jump my fence. walking away i gave one last look at my almost empty looking house.

i didn't know where to go, i was considering ace's house but he might now want me there. i decided there was only one solution and that was to text him.


dude can i come stay at yours

yeah i guess just be quiet and sneak in
through my window

right cheers m8

i headed over to aces and climbed up to his window. it was pretty difficult but i managed. he quickly let me in and gave me a blanket. he hid my bag in his wardrobe and made sure to hide me round the side of his bed. i tossed and turned but eventually i fell asleep. waiting the morning ahead and wondering if i'll ever go back to my house.

i heard ace's door open and froze. "oi ace, up now" his dad complained. i stayed still "okay dad" i saw ace sit up on his bed and his door close. i was still frozen. who's to say his dad was gone. "you need to leave" he told me as he looked down at me. "now" he got my bag out of his wardrobe and shoved it at me. "go" he told me. i nodded and climbed out the window. it wasn't like i got dressed into pyjamas or anything.

i didn't know where to go, maybe id just live on the street. then i thought of something, emily. she'd came on the foreign exchange thing and we'd had a bit of a thing. we'd actually had a bit of a thing for a while, so i decided to text her.


yo, can i come to yours


can i stay for a couple of days

fine, i'll just tell my parents that we're
working on something for school

that requires me staying over?

they'll believe anything

i laughed a little to myself, luckily i had a place to stay for a couple of days. i headed over to emily's house where her dad let me in. "you must be max" he smiled, i nodded. "sure am" i smiled. "so tell me, what subject is this for again" he asked, i started panicking. "dad i already told you, it's for science" emily laughed as she came down the stairs. "now come on max, we need to start working" she told me. i nodded and walked up the stairs after her. she was a good liar. i couldn't believe how good she actually was at lying. even i started believing this was for science.

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