part 9

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i walked down the stairs as brooklyn and tilly ran right past me, they were playing a game of tag or something. i walked into the kitchen and pulled out two slices of bread. i put them in the toaster and waited. i didn't know what i was gonna do today, i felt like i wanted to go exploring but there's nowhere really to explore. "max, me and your father were going to go out to the shops. would you mind looking after tilly and brooklyn" she asked me. "sure whatever" i said as i spread my chocolate spread on the toast. "thanks honey" she smiled as she left. i sighed and took my toast up to my room. i put the toast on my bedside table and sat on my bed, turning on my tv. i began eating the toast but my bedroom door was opened. "i'm hungry" brooklyn said as she jumped on the bed. "mummy gives us ice cream and sweeties" tilly told me. "well then go get some i don't care" i stated as i ate my toast.

after i finished my toast i headed down the stairs to put my plate in the kitchen. "woah" i heard brooklyn scream as i heard a crash. i quickly put my plate down and went to see what it was. "what the fuck just happened" i asked as i walked into the living room, i saw the place was trashed. all the pillows were on the floor and some were burst open, everyone that was on the table was scattered around the floor. they were jumping around the living room and just making a mess. "what the fuck" i asked as i heard someone pull up in the driveway. "shit" i said as i looked out the window to see my dads care pull up. i panicked a little. "fuck" i said as they got out the car. "shit" i repeated as i ran up the stairs, not wanting to be responsible.

i turned on my tv and heard the door open. i pretended to be scrolling through netflix. "max" i heard my dad scream from down the stairs. i got shit terrified and turned off my tv. i opened my bedroom door to be met with my angry dad standing above me. i felt inferior, i was still terrified of him. especially when he was mad. "yes" i asked him, trying to not sound scared. "you didn't do your job, those kids are high as kites" he yelled as he backed me into my room. i kept walking back "you didn't take care of them, you told them they could have ice cream and chocolate" he wasn't shouting but you could hear the anger in his voice. i fell onto my bed and began looking up at him. "paul, calm down, the kids are asleep their fine" my mum said as she walked into my room. i think she could sense my fear. "for god sake look at him, he's white as a ghost" she told him. my dad looked at my mum then at me. "i...i'm sorry" he said as he pulled me in and gave me a hug. i was still frozen that i couldn't even hug him back.

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