part 16

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i was let out just before my mum came home. i was told to keep away from her, my dad made up an excuse and said i was grounded. it was bullshit, i was terrified constantly and i was too scared to do anything. my whole life was reversing and i hated it.

i felt my phone buzz and i looked at it, it was ace. he asked me if i wanted to go out with him and a couple of friends. i felt like checking with my dad but he would probably just say no, so instead i was gonna sneak out. i was determined. i agreed to go meet him and we were probably gonna get drunk, which was exactly what i wanted. i also asked if i could stay the night at his, which he said yeah to. i was glad now all i needed was to sneak out.

it was later on about 7ish and we'd already had dinner, my parents and my siblings were all watching tv in the living room. i was 'grounded' so i was allowed to, but it was perfect. i got a backpack that had a few things in it for a night out. i climbed out my window and left. away to meet ace at his house.

i got to ace's house and put my bag down in his room and grabbed some of the alcohol he had. we packed it in his back and left. i was actually really excited, i hadn't had alcohol in like so long.

we got to the field where we were gonna drink, we grabbed some drink and started drinking. it didn't take much for some of them to get drunk but me and ace needed a little more alcohol to get drunk. i'd downed a couple bottles of md and a bottle of vodka and i was pretty hammered.

we were all absolutely shitfaced when we had finished everything. we all decided to head home, i obviously went to ace's which i was glad about. we got to his house and literally just crashed. alcohol made me tried. not overly but quite a bit depending on how much i drank.

when i got up in the morning i had the biggest hangover ever, i hated it. "dude you need to leave" ace told me as he handed my my bag and pushed me over to the window, i sighed and climbed out. "i'll see you later" he smiled, i nodded and walked back home. i snuck in and thought i got away with it before my dad barged into my room.

"where were you" he asked me, i tried lying "i was here all night" i smiled. "no you weren't, i came in to see you and you weren't here, so where were you" he asked me more angrily. "i went out, okay. you wouldn't have let me so i snuck out" i yelled back at him. "god i can't even trust you to just sit in your room" he yelled back "you're such a disappointment" he yelled as he slammed my door shut, i sighed and looked up at my ceiling. i hated him, he was always so rude. but maybe he was right, i am a disappointment.

a/n: yall need to give me ideas for this or ima have to discontinue it

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