part 10

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i'd been doing what i can to avoid my dad but it was like he was trying to stop that. everywhere i went my dad was there, he just wouldn't let me go. it was like he was following me, like he was a shadow i couldn't get rid of. it wasn't like i was being mean i was just terrified, terrified that one time we'd be alone and he'd come after me. come to get me, come to hurt me. just like he did the other day, if my mum wasn't there he would have hurt me, badly. i could see it in his eyes, it was the same look as before. that evil look like he wanted to hurt me, like he found pleasure in it.

"max" my dad said as he came into my room. giving me the fright of my life. "come on we're going on a family day out" he smiled, i couldn't refuse so i had to put on my shoes and go. "get in the car" my dad told me as i got down the stairs. "and get brooklyn fastened in" he added as i walked out the house. the kids all following me. tilly could get herself in and obviously so could leo but brooklyn needed my to fasten it for her. "wait dad" i shouted, my dad walked out the house. "yeah" he asked. "where am i supposed to sit" i asked him, confused as leo was in the middle and tilly and brooklyn were on either side. the front two seats would be my mum and dads so there was entirely no room for me. "oh that's easy" he smiled.

i sat in the boot of the car, watching the road over the seats in the back. i cant believe we didn't have a big enough car to get everyone in, it was terrible. "max" my mum said, turning to look at me. i nodded for her to continue "we got a letter from your school" she told me, "you've been selected to on an exchange program to spain" she smiled "it starts in a couple of weeks are your going there for a month" she told me. "what, i don't wanna go to spain to go to school" i said, a bit angry. "max, you're going and that's it" my dads voice boomed through the car. i wasn't going to talk back to him, he scared me too much. "okay" i quietly said as i looked down. i couldn't believe i had to go away to spain just to go to school, by myself.

i was sitting on the bench we had picked to eat on while everyone else was playing. i felt my phone buzz and pulled it out my pocket, it was a text from ace.


dude our school picked me to go on some
foreign exchange thing

no way, me too. u going?

aye my dads making me like

aye mines too

well i'll see you there then

see you then mate

"max, get off you phone" my dad told me as he came over to the table. "sorry, was texting someone" i said as i put my phone back in my pocket. "go play with your little brother and sisters" he told me. i sighed a little and stood up. i went over and started playing with them, it wasn't that bad. the whole time the only thing on my mind was that i'd have to leave for a month just to go to school.

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