part 5

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when my dad came to wake me up, i forgot that emily was still in my room. "max, time to" he stopped and just froze. i sat up a little and then i remember about emily. "dad, it's not what it looks like" i reassured him "i promise she just slept" i said. emily was awake and getting ready at this point. "i'm sorry" she apologised as she walked past my dad. "get up" he sounded angry. i sighed, getting a little scared.

i went for a shower and got dressed. i went down the stairs and overheard my dad on the phone "i just don't know weather to trust him" my dad said down the phone, i wonder who he was talking to. "i know it's up to him but what if brooklyn had walked in" my dad said, i quietly went into the kitchen but could still hear my dad. "yeah, but he said he didn't and i want to believe him, i just need someone else right now. i can't do this by myself sara"

i froze in my tracks. sara? as in my mum. i didn't even know they had each other's phone numbers. i i thought they hated each other and now their talking. "so how's everything with you and dan" my dad asked after a couple of minutes of me not listening to him. "oh really, that bad. well i hope it goes okay and i'll always be here" my dad said as i poured myself some cereal. i wonder what was happening between my mum and dan, i hope it was a divorce. dan was a dick and i hope my mum realised that after the way he treated me.

my dad walked into the kitchen and looked at me, i gave him a smile and took my bowl of cereal up to my room. i was planning on staying down the stairs, as whenever i take dishes up to my room they never come back down, but that just turned very awkward and i needed to get away. i think he might have known that i knew he was talking to my mum, but i didn't really care. adults talk all the time, who says that means they like each other.

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