part 18

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it was my first day back in school in like a month. i was kinda of glad to be going back because i'd been so bored for the past few months. i got dressed and just headed straight out the door. i met up with emily and ace and we walked to school. i really wanted to tell them about my dad and just say everything but i didn't. i was too scared. so i walked with them talking about how i couldn't come back because i was ill and that my grandad had died. little did they know i don't even know my grandad. my dad always told me that my grandad was worse then him, use to beat the living daylights out of him as a kid. but that was like the 60s didn't everyone do that then. we got to school and waited for the bell to ring. luckily ace was in my form and so i had someone to talk to.

i walked into form and sat down, ace sat beside me and we started talking. the phone started going and i got a bit distracted so i lost where i was going. i itched my head trying to remember when the bell rang. "oh" i quietly said to myself. i stood up and grabbed my bag. "max" my teacher called my over, i walked over to her desk. "mr bates wants to see you in his office" i nodded and headed up to mr bates office. i was so terrified of what was going to happen, the way i talked to him was terrible and i felt quite bad. i usually don't feel bad for yelling at people, and i didn't even yell.

i got in a lot of trouble, i hated it but at least i got to go home early. i was probably going to be expelled from school. my whole life was falling apart and i hated it. my dad was just getting worse, my whole life was terrible. i wish i was in care again.

a/n: again, idk where i'm going with this, someone plz help

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