part 3

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i got brooklyn dressed and helped her get her teeth brushed. "bed" she shouted as she jumped onto the bed. she couldn't talk in full sentences yet but she could say a few worlds. "yeah" i smiled as i tucked her in. "you" she said as she pointed next to her. "no, i'm coming to bed later, you just sleep now" i smiled as i kissed her forehead. "wuv wou" she gave me the cheesiest smile, i gave her one back. "i wuv wou too" i walked out and closed the door. i smiled as i walked back down the stairs. "hey mum, i'm going for a walk" i smiled as i grabbed a coat. "actually honey i don't know if that's.." i didn't bother listening to the rest of what she had to say. i pulled on my coat and began walking. i don't know what it was but i just loved walking. i was walking but eventually stopped, i checked my pockets for my wallet and i found it. i looked at the off-licence shop just across the road. i walked across the road and walked in, i waked up to the alcohol isle and grabbed a 6 pack of cider, a few bottles of beer and a couple bottle of smirnoff ice and vodka. "id please" the guy asked, i nodded and got out my fake id. i showed it to him and payed, leaving the store. i hid all the alcohol and walked back to my mums. it was probably about 11pm so i was guessing most people would be in bed. "mum, i'm heading to bed, i'm exhausted" i pretended as i walked up the stairs. "okay honey" she smiled. i opened up my bedroom door and took all the alcohol out of the hiding places. i put them on the floor and opened a can. i turned on the tv, i was glad brooklyn could sleep through basically anything.

by the end of drinking everything i bought, i was pretty drunk and it was about 2am. i was starving, i stumbled to open my door and walked down the stairs, trying not to fall. i got down the stairs and took some bread out to make a sandwich. i made one and was on my way back up the stairs when dan stopped me. "it's 2am what are you doing up" he asked me. "i'm just getting a sandwich" i mumbled slightly. "are you drunk" he asked me, i shook my head. "never" i burped. "you're drunk, just wait until your mother hears about this" he stormed to his room. i sighed and walked into my bedroom. i put all the bottles under my bed. "he's drunk sara" dan said as my bedroom door opened.

"are you drunk" sara asked me barging into my room. i laughed slightly "you're drunk you son of a bitch" brooklyn was up at this point, she was crying because we woke her up. "i'm not drunk" i said mumbling a little "right max get to bed right now, you're grounded" my mum said, didn't budge. "she said get into bed" dan said pushing me into the bed. "meanie" brooklyn said as she bit dan's lwg. "ah you wee shit" he grabbed her, "let go of her" i yelled. "gladly" he smiled as he dropped brooklyn on the bed. she hugged me and i hugged her back, staring at dan as he walked out of the room. i fell on my pillow, i'm so stupid, i shouldn't have gotten drunk. i swiftly drifted into sleep and didn't have to bother about being drunk.

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