part 20

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having that dream about harvey made me realise that if i was going to life the rest of my life i needed to get out of this hell hole, or else i'd end up six feet under just like him. i knew i had to run away, just this time i knew where i was going. i knew my dad didn't care about me, so i wanted to go see someone i knew. go live with them. there was only 1 person i had in mind, amanda. she'd basically been the best mum i've ever have. even compared to my actual mum. i think she was better. not to be mean to my mum but she wasn't the best person to me when all this dad stuff kicked off, even now she doesn't stand up for me.

i got up for school and got dressed, i pretended to have my blazer in my bag but i packed up my bag with essential things that i needed. i remembered to text amanda to see if she was in and just telling her i was coming to visit, i would tell her when i got there. i pulled a jumper over my shirt and grabbed my bag, walking out the front door. luckily my dad was passed out on the couch. i started walking to the train station, that was where amanda said she could pick me up from. i sat on the bench outside and waited for maybe about an hour before amanda arrived in the car. i smiled at her through the window and got in. "hey" she smiled. "hi" i said as i put my seatbelt on.

most of the car ride was silence "i told oliver you were coming and he got very excited" amanda laughed as we got into the town. "well at least he loves me" i smiled. "well yeah but you're dad as well" she told me, i nodded my head a little "yeah" i said with a bit of a sarcastic tone. "max, whats going on" she asked me, she obviously had noticed i was in my school clothes. "nothing" i told her, she pulled in the driveway of her new house. "max tell me what's going on" she almost demanded. "right but you have to promise it won't change anything" i told her, she nodded. "it's my dad" i said as i looked at her "he's worse than before, i just couldn't live like that" i told her. "please don't tell anyone" i asked her. "what about school max, you're sibling" she asked me "i don't need school, i'm stupid anyway. and he doesn't hit them, he just tells them off, he only hits me and it's not fucking fair" i said as i got a little angry. "max you need school, i have to tell your dad" she told me "no please you don't get it" i was getting quite angry. "well i have to tell someone" she informed me. "tell social services i doubt they'll care, they don't even check on me anymore" i told her. she agreed. "fine in the morning i'm going to tell social services that you are now living with me" my heart jumped at the sound of that.

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