part 7

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my mum had invited me over to her house again, i didn't want to be rude so i agreed that i would. "hey mum" i smiled as i opened the door to her house. my dad was behind me as he said he wanted to speak with my mum about something. "hey max, just go and settle in" she smiled at me. i nodded and walked up to my room, leaving my mum and dad to talk with each other.

"max" tilly yelled as she ran through and hugged me "ugh" i groaned as she ran right into my gut. she laughed, "where have you been" she asked me. "i was with dad" i told her. "you were with dan" she asked me, i laughed. "no your actual dad" i laughed. "oh, wheres dan though" she asked me. "what" i questioned her. "dan left a couple days after you and haven't come back" tilly informed me. i was shocked, "what happened before that" i asked her "once i left" i added. "mummy and dan were arguing about you and then dan left" she told me. i nodded. i cant believe it, i think my mum got rid of dan.

we were called down for lunch, like jesus this family does everything together. i didn't really want to eat but i felt like i needed to, for my mum. i ate about half of what everyone else ate. i just didn't feel up to it, i never felt up for eating anymore. "max so after lunch we were going to go to the park, we'd love for you to join us" my mum smiled, i nodded. "i'm good, id rather stay here but thanks for a offer" i smiled and pushed my chair out. "i'm just tired" i lied as i stood up and walked up the stairs.

i heard the front door close and i knew that was them left. i watched them out my window, until they were out of sight. i sighed, finally i was alone. i wanted to find out what was actually happening between my mum and dan. i ran down the stairs and opened up her laptop. "okay, password" i muttered to myself as i looked around her office. i then noticed a post it note stuck to her message board, it was her password. 'don't forget: 1671 password' i smiled and typed in the password. i was in. i opened up the email app and searched for dan, anything with the word dan in it would come up. nothing. i opened up messages and searched the word dan again. a few conversations came up, one with my dad, which i was curious about. one with what i was guessing was one of her friends and one with dan. jackpot.

i opened the texts and read some of them. 'i know you think i was rude to you son but we can work on it. i promise' dan wrote her, what a fucking scumbag. 'i don't want to work on it, we're getting a divorce. that's final' my mum wrote back. so i was right, they are getting divorced. i was very glad, i decided to do a little more snooping and find out what my mum and dad had been talking about. 'listen sara, i know i wasn't the best husband but i'm better now and i want us to be mutual, for max' i was actually really touched that my dad thought of that. 'look, paul. i'm going through a divorce, i will be mutual but don't try anything funny' i wonder when that was. i check the date and it was from, LAST MONTH?!? i scrolled down and found their most recent 'i need to speak with you about what i feel' my dad wrote, 'i'll invited max over and we can talk' that was today.

i couldn't believe my mum only invited me over to talk with my dad, i wonder what his feelings were. i heard laughter and footsteps outside. i quickly shut off the computer and ran out through to the kitchen, pretending to get myself a glass of water. "oh max, i though you were tired" my mum asked me, "yeah i just went for a nap" i smiled at her. "oh okay" she gave me a slight hug. "okay, i'm going back up to my room" i smiled and walked up the stairs.

i started thinking about my mum and dad, what if the feelings my dad had was love. what if my mum and dad loved each other, that'd be a first. i would be glad if my mum and dad got back together, maybe then we could be a happy family. but also maybe it just remind me of a time that harvey was around and maybe it would just make me sad. what am i even thinking? my parents aren't going to get back together.

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