Guilty Conscious

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Waking up next to Samuel felt both incredibly right and awfully wrong. I just split with Claire last night and I was already in bed with another person.

Well it wasn't like we fucked. I literally just slept next to him nothing more. Though I did have a boner most of the night.

I glanced over at Samuel and my eyes trailed to his crotch against my will.

Wow he had morning wood. God I wanted to touch him.

Wow I never realized how much of a whore I was god damn. Samuel began to mumble as he slowly woke up. He glanced at his own morning wood before letting out an aggravated sigh.

His eyes widened in realization when he heard me snicker beside him.

"Morning sugar" I teased. He pouted and grumbled a few curse words before standing up. Samuel was adorable, he was wearing pajamas, like actual pajamas that matched each other and everything.

I usually sleep naked or just with boxers on.

"Feeling better?" He questioned. I shrugged but still nodded either way.

"Better" was all I said.

"I have a spare toothbrush for you" he said as he made his way into the bathroom. Samuel was such a good person. He reminded me a lot of Corey.

"I'm so horny" I said bluntly, Samuel just burst out laughing as he brushed his teeth. Essentially making a mess with the toothpaste.

"Wanna fuck?" I asked hopefully. He crinkled his nose in distaste before laughing softly.

"The fact you think I would even consider that shocks me" he responded as he spit into the sink.

"God it was a joke" I said in exasperation, he just smirked in response.

"Come brush your teeth" he said. I reluctantly obeyed and made my way over to the sink to do as I was told. I was the guest after all.

"Thanks. You uh- you know helping me out last night" I said. My voice was a blur of stuttering and hesitation. Samuel didn't seem to mind and shot me a smile.

"Anytime" he said casually.

"I need a one night stand" I said in conclusion. He rolled his eyes.

"Who knew you were such a player" he teases. I shot him a glare.

"I'm not. I just haven't been single in 2 years and want a good fuck. Preferably with a guy" why was I practically telling Samuel that I was whore? No idea probably because I'm also a dumb bitch.

"Makes sense I guess" he said.

"You not into that sort of thing?" I asked curiously he just shrugged.

"I've never had a one night stand" wow he sure was an angel.

"That's surprises me. Your so hot though" I told him he just laughed it off but not before I could catch a glimpse of the blush peppering his face.

"I've only had one boyfriend and he was technically straight, or in denial" he told me.

"He sounds dumb" I said honestly.

"He is. Jocks am I right?" He scoffed. My eyes bulged from my head in shock.

"You're into jocks?" I couldn't stop my voice from sounded disgusted. I was being stereotypical and mean but who cares.

"Not really it just turned out that way" he said with an air of nonchalance. I hummed as I thought about Samuel kissing someone from the sports teams at our school. Interesting.

"He probably just had you blow him a bunch didn't he?" I joked. A small smile cracked onto his face.

"Yeah pretty much. I've never actually had a blowjob before" this kid had no shame.

"I could give you one right now?" I teased as I wiggled my brows playfully. He just grinned at my antics and turned me down quickly as he blushed at the thought.

Oh yeah, he totally wants me.

I decided to keep that thought for myself at the moment. Me and Samuel got ready before we made our way down the stairs. Ms.Windsor stood above the stove as she cooked bacon. When her gaze met ours she looked disappointed.

"Your leaving?" She whined. Samuel sent an apologetic smile as he gestured to me. Wow way to blame it on me ass.

"It was nice meeting you Christian. I hope your so called teen drama resolved itself" she told me genuinely. Wow she was nice.

"Thank you Ms.Windsor" I said back. Her eyes lit up immediately in glee.

"Oh please call me Peach" she insisted. I just gave her an awkward smile and Samuel smirked besides me.

"Alright. We're heading out" he told his mom and nodded.

"Don't have sex in that car I swear to go-" before she could finish Samuel rushed me out and slammed the door behind him.

"God that woman" he said as a blush crept up his neck. I just laughed at that.

"Man I think I'm falling for your mom" I said jokingly he just shoved my arm before pouting playfully.

Samuel was an awful driver. I don't know how I didn't notice last night but Samuel fucking sucked at driving. He was a full on maniac. He almost ran over someone on a bike and he has run over at least 3 curbs so far just from taking basic turns. I wanted to vomit and curse him out all at once. I also wanted to suck his dick but I knew that wouldn't happen.

God I was becoming way more sexual after discovering my love for penis. This is awful.

When we arrive at Morning Treats an annoyed groan left my lips. My car had frost all over it. It was going to be so fucking cold. Samuel seemed to have the same thoughts as he winced when he saw my car.

"Tough break" he joked. I laughed at that. He wasn't wrong.

"See you later Christian. I hope you feel better" he said. He made it sound like I came down with a cold or something.

"Uh thanks" I said awkwardly before heading to my car. God why am I so awkward sometimes. It's like a fucking flip switches in my mind.

My phone buzzed obnoxiously when I situated myself in my car and reached into my jeans to get it.

Alaric: Do you ever plan on coming back to work you sexy little piece of shit.

My boss was such a psycho. In a good way of course.

Me: I'll work today. I'm skipping school today and prob tomorrow

Alaric: why skip tomorrow?

Me: I plan on getting hammered tonight

He didn't respond to that and I honestly didn't care. All I knew was that tonight I wanted some pleasure and I sure as hell was going to get some.

My guilty conscious wouldn't stop me.

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