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Samuel was in absolute awe of the bed and breakfast. He threw genuine compliments at everything he saw, a wide grin occupying his face.

The bed and breakfast was a beautiful building, it was white and had baby blue accent colors throughout. It was almost cliche looking in a way, a large field sat in front of the building with a fountain and a large tree with a tire swing. Something I used to enjoy on the daily as a child. Often Corey and I would visit this bed and breakfast just to take advantage of that exact tire swing. It stung a little to see it hang innocently.

"This place is amazing" Samuel gushed. He was bouncing lightly on his feet like an excited child.

"I bet they hang their laundry to dry rather than use a machine" he predicted happily. Why the fuck was he thinking about that? God he was so weird.

"No they use a laundry machine you doofus" I said.

He pouted and sighed in disappointment. He was such a character sometimes.

"Let's go in already" he whined in impatience.

"That's what were doing smart-ass" I bit back. He rolled his eyes sarcastically but started to skip towards the entrance. He was actually skipping, like a five year old. Though I'd be lying if I said it wasn't amusing.

I watched how happy and giggly he was with a pang of hurt in my chest. Samuel would never consider being with someone like me. I'm little bit of a slut for sex and he's a virgin. My brain is fucked up and he's perfect. I'm a cheater and he's someone who's loyal. He's the opposite of me. He's everything that is good in life while I'm not. Samuel deserves someone who's just as perfect as he is. I don't know if I love him or not but I do know that right now sex isn't the only thing I want from him. I want everything, not just his body. I wonder what Samuel would say if he knew what I was thinking.

I can tell he doesn't like me as anything more than a friend. I don't know how but I just can. There is no possible reason for Samuel to like me. It's as simple as that. I don't deserve anybody's love, I'm an insecure high maintenance horny fucked up slutty teenager. I have no good qualities. Claire would be so angry if she knew I thought about myself in such a degrading way. But how could I not? It's just who I am there's no way around it. I broke Claire's heart simply by being damaged. I want Samuel but I just don't think he will ever want me. Maybe that's for the best.

"Hurry up Chris" Samuels voice interrupted my pity party and I made my way over to him. He was already booking us a room.

"Should we get two rooms?" He asked me. I just shook my head.

"Costs more" I explain. He nods understandingly.

"Here are your keys" the girl says before handing them to Samuel. Samuel hands the copy over to me and I begin to swing it around my finger as a way to fidget.

The girl, who's a teenager, glances over at me. Her eyes lingering on my face for just a moment. Her brows furrow in confusion.

"I've seen you before" she states. Samuel perks up in curiosity.

"I used to come here a lot. About two years ago I'd say" I tell her. Her eyes sparkle in recognition.

"Right! You and your brother visited a lot" she said smiling.

"I'm Megan if you forgot" she tells me. Oh crap, I do know her. I totally had sex with her a few times during freshman year.

"So your a senior now? That's awesome" she says.

"Yeah I guess so" I say. Samuel notices how uncomfortable I am and holds in a laugh.

"We'd better go get settled in. Nice meeting you" Samuel says before turning to leave.

Nice save Samuel. Good job. I follow him eagerly and shoot her a wave. She seems disappointed but doesn't say anything.

When we enter the room Samuel runs to one of the twin sized beds and jumps on top of it like a child.

"These beds are adorable" he says grinning. I just laugh and make my way over to the other bed. I plop down with a heavy sigh. I didn't think I'd run into one of my past bed buddies here in New Jersey.

"So what's the deal with the girl at the desk" Samuel asks before also sitting down on his bed adjacent to me.

"I knew her a long time ago" I say. I don't know if I should tell him or not. I don't want to give him more reasons to think I'm a slut but at the same time we're friends so I should be able to be honest without being judged.

"Mmhmm" He hums sarcastically.

"Fine whatever. We slept together a few times" I say with a huff. His eyes widen and he just nods.

"Yeah she's cute" he says.

"Your gay"

He bursts out laughing and even clutches his stomach.

"You aren't wrong about that" he says before cracking up again. His atmosphere is one of the most contagious things I've ever witnessed. Within a few seconds even I'm laughing.

"Samuel do you like anyone?" I find myself asking. He sobers up quickly and looks confused.

"Why do you wanna know so bad? Besides you've asked me this same question earlier and I said no didn't I" he says. I shrug.

"We're friends right? Don't friend talk about their crushes and shit, besides you were definitely lying out of your ass" I say. He chuckles softly.

"Guess so" he says. I raise my brow expectantly and he seems deep in thought.

"Yeah I do like someone" he says. Wow it kind of hurt to hear that even though I asked for it.

"What's he like?" I ask. He seems to think about it with a lot of effort.

"He's sorta like an onion. He's got an annoying amount of layers. And he has the ability to make me worry about him over nothing. Though he would never know that" he says, though despite his words he's smiling fondly as if he's talking about the worlds greatest treasure.

Wow poor guy, he just got compared to a fucking onion. But he's also very lucky. I can't help myself from feeling jealous.

"I hope it works out" I say. He grins happily.

"Thanks!" I just laugh at his chipper tone.

"Let's sleep for gods sake" I say tiredly. He just nods quickly in agreement.

If I'm being honest, I didn't get much sleep. I kept thinking about Samuels fucking onion boy.

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