Capable Of Being Loved

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"You fucked up man" Timothy said with a laugh as he took a hit from his joint.

I was currently in Timothys basement along with James, Axel, and Jackson. Jackson was kind enough to bring a few joints for us to smoke. So of course we all decided to take advantage.

I wasn't really one to smoke but after last nights events I needed to relieve stress and rant.

Now that all the guys I was for the most part friends with knew I was bi it gave me the opportunity to actually talk about my romance troubles.

"A blowjob on the second date is sorta...I don't know, sorta fast" Axel said warily.

"Fuck you man! You don't know what you're talking about. Me and Christian move fast, it's just how us players like to live life" Timothy boasted. At this point Timothy was the highest one of us all. Axel and I were the least high out of everyone in this room. Though that's not surprising.

"Christian and I" James corrected Timothys grammer. Timothy scoffed but ended up laughing at the odd sound his throat made.

"Would you eat a girl out on the second date? Think of it like that" Jackson said to me.

"I think I would" I told him. James looked mildly disgusted and Axel looked absolutely mortified at the thought.

"That's gross!" Axel said loudly, his voice cracking nervously.

"Is it?" I asked, putting my attention towards Timothy. He rubbed his chin slowly in thought.

"Nah, I think you and I Christian are just a special breed of man" Timothy said.

Everyone burst into laughter at his words all while Axel looked progressively confused by our deviance.

"Timothy you get more annoying by the day" I lied easily, which made the laughter pick back up.

"Yo! Dude call Claire and tell her about it!" Timothy said with wide eyes like he just had the best idea.

And of course me being an idiot a little high on pot I thought it sounded hilarious to hit up my ex-girlfriend with my boy problems.

"Oh god" James said with a groan as I fished my phone out of my pockets. Timothy was chanting over and over again "do it!" as I searched her name through my contacts.

"Change her contact name to Ex-Bitch" Jackson said before howling with laughter.

I, of course, went along with it.

"If she sees that as her name in your contacts she'll be pissed" James warned but I ignored him.

Timothy watched with eager eyes as I pressed on her new contact name and let the phone ring.

"Speaker!" Jackson urged. I quickly pressed the speaker button and she picked up not a second later.

"What is it?" She said harshly.

Wow she sounded mad already. I giggled in response and she stayed silent for a moment.

"Are you high?" She hissed.

"No!" I screeched in protest. This had Timothy falling back with laughter and the rest of us snickering.

"So you are high" she noted.

"I tried to suck Samuels dick but he wouldn't let me!" I whined.

"I know he told me" Claire sighed heavily. "He texted me this morning with all the details. He seemed really upset".

"Why would something like that make him mad?" I said annoyed. Claire just sighed again. She was getting fucking annoying.

"Samuel isn't a psychical kinda guy. He probably though you wanted to get in his pants the whole time" she said.

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