2.✰Crying In The Club

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(A/n note: we live in Europe where drinking is legal at 18 y/o)

I open my closet and wear whatever i found first.

I dry my hair and grab my purse and key leaving the house

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I dry my hair and grab my purse and key leaving the house. I'm leaving that damn phone at home. I don't want anyone to disturb me.

And with that i made my way to the club.

Once i entered the strong smell of alcohol hit my nose. That's exactly what i need. I sit down, order the strongest drink possible and start taking numerous shots as my tears poured like waterfalls.
Me: how could they do this to me huh?
I gulp down another glass of alcohol, this time i was sobbing, feeling completely weak, vulnerable, sad and heartbroken.

I take another glass as i started feeling lightheaded.
???: no crying in the club y/n
I turn my head.

Me: ah Jungkook

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Me: ah Jungkook....
I turn around again, not bothering to wipe my tears. He placed his hand under my chin, gently turning me around. Without saying anything he wipes my soaked cheeks with his thumb.
Me: it's useless...it's useless wiping them away knowing that i can't control myself right now...I'm so hurt Jungkook-ah....
He sits down next to me.

Jungkook: then cry. Let it all out.....Do you want to talk about it?
I begin telling him the whole story.
Jungkook: that sucks...
I nod.
Jungkook: look, i don't know you that much but i can surely say that they never deserved you because if this hurts you this much, you must love them and care about them a lot and if they had the guts to stab you in the back like this, they never deserved any of it, you deserve better Y/n...

I gulp down one more shot.
Me: I'm alone now though....
Jungkook:...i'm right here
I look at him both seeing and feeling blurry from the alcohol in my system.
If i was in my right mind, I would've been surprised
How is Jeon Jungkook trying to console me
Me: ...i-thank you
Jungkook: won't your parents get mad if you get drunk?
I shake my head.
Me: they're not home.
Jungkook: oh...
I place my head on my palms as i start crying again.

Me: how am i gonna face them now...
Jungkook: Y/n it's okay, you can do this, I'm right here with you
Me: thanks Jungkook... But i don't want to bother you, we're not even close, i can't bother you with my problems....
Jungkook: then let's get to know each other.
I jerk my had towards his direction. Too bad i moved too fast and my head is spinning now.

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