9. ✰The date

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I have just arrived home and usually where my head would be at right now is relaxing...but today, my mind is in a hurricane.
I've gone out with Jungkook multiple times. We used to go to each other's homes all the time, even when the other person was sick, so he's definitely seen me at my worst, but i still want him to see the best I've ever been.
That best version.
That very one he helped create.

Me: okay, so I need a game plan. Makeup, hair then outfit. But find outfit first.
And at that, i start barging into my closet
I went through dozens of dresses and finally settled on this...

 And at that, i start barging into my closetI went through dozens of dresses and finally settled on this

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This dress has quite some memories behind it
I smile to myself as i say...
Me: the last time i wore this was at my grandma's 70th birthday...her last birthday.
I start to tear up
Me: hey, hey y/n. Time to attach this dress to more happy memories. It's beautiful.

I wipe my cheeks as my smile appears once more, making me head to my hair drawer with this...

I wipe my cheeks as my smile appears once more, making me head to my hair drawer with this

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...as my inspiration. I take out my curling iron and to my luck, in the way find some star clips.

Time for the makeup

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Time for the makeup...

Time for the makeup

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