24.✰The fight

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-The next day, lunchtime-
Authors pov

Jungkook: yo, YO, YO! Slow your horses man! That's my girl you're touching!
Taehyung: I don't see your name anywhere on her!
Jimin: exactly, she's not your property
Y/n: Jungkook-ah, don't!
Jungkook: oh is that how you wanna play?
He chuckles, grabbing their shirts.
Jungkook: let's play then!

He forcefully pushes them on the ground, sitting on top of Taehyung while hitting his face. Jimin quickly gets up, grabbing Jungkook's arms, placing them behind his back, allowing Taehyung to hit the boy.

Y/n tries to take Taehyung away from Jungkook while Jisoo did the same with Jimin. In the meantime, people started gathering around them, trying to understand what was happening.

Jisoo: This is all your fault Y/n! If you weren't such a slut they wouldn't be fighting!
Y/n: Excuse you!?
She gets up, walking to Jisoo before grabbing her shirt, bringing her closer.
Y/n: don't think I haven't noticed the way you look at my man! Who's the real slut, huh?
Jisoo: this shirt is expensive, you bitch!
She places her hands on Y/n's shoulders, aggressively pushing her away.

Y/n: oh you shouldn't have tested me, baby girl, you're in so much trouble now!
Jisoo: oh we'll see which one of us is actually in trouble!
The debate became a total mess, with the two girls yelling at each other while the boys rolled on the floor, throwing merciless punches to each other while the students that were watching them kept cheering and yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

Jisoo throws Y/n on the floor and unexpectedly she lands on one knee as Jisoo herself moves behind the boys as they separate from each other.
Murmurs go around the cafeteria.
??: what is going on?
???: I have no idea.
Jungkook: three, two, one
Tae, Jimin, Jisoo, Y/n: MUSIC!

As they scream music starts to burst through the walls of the cafeteria, almost shaking the tables.
The group of friends makes a large circle leaving Y/n in the middle, as she starts to dance.
??: a dance circle?
???: I still have no clue what's going on.
????: their senior prank!
???: this is genius.

As Y/n finishes her routine the friends go in the middle of the circle one by one having the time of their lives portraying their choreography, as well as some freestyle, moves along the way.
Once all the five friends had had their turns, they started to pull in their friends from the crowd, creating a humongous dance party in the middle of the cafeteria.

Well, well, Jimin, Jisoo, Taehyung, Y/n, and Jungkook.
You guys really know how to make the school have fun...

-Emma's pov-
I scoffed, looking at the people dancing in the cafeteria. That attention seeker.
Soobin: yo what's with that face, Emma?
Noah: whose murder are you planning?
He flinches, raising his hands in sign of innocence.

Me: that little bitch is always dead set on the spotlight! All she does is seek attention!
Soobin: actually Emma, she's just having fun, but your jealousy blinded you
Me: me? Jealous of her? Never in a million years!
Soobin: even if she's in the middle of the spotlight you can't really do anything about it
Me: oh yes I can!

Noah: What are you up to this time?
Me: I'm up to two things: ending Y/n and breaking up with you
Noah: WHAT?
Soobin: Woah WOAH what do you mean by "ending Y/n"
Me: we all know she's gonna get selected as prom queen and that Jungkook of hers as prom king right?

Soobin: see? You're jealous!
Me: SHUT YOUR HELL OF A MOUTH! Now, I'm gonna sabotage her reputation of the kind popular girl along with her prom night
And at that, I begin explaining my "perfect crime" to a tee
Soobin: Emma that's just too much.
Me: what? Y'all are on her side now?
Noah: Nah, I'm down babe

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