23.✰It's mine!

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Me: EMMA?!
I clench my jaw.
Me: oh no she ain't having that dress
Jungkook: ah shit, she boutta snap
He mumbles underneath his breath.
Me: did you say something?
Jungkook: no, go claim that dress!

I quickly walk to her, tapping her shoulder multiple times.
Me: excuse me! I laid my eyes on that dress first, so it's mine.
Emma: I don't see your name written on it!
I chuckle.
Me: you really enjoy stealing what belongs to me, don't you?
Emma: Uhm, what?
Me: you stole my boyfriend, did you already forget? It's fine anyway, you just took away the trash.
Noah: HEY!

Emma: the dress is mine!
Me: excuse you? First of all, do you even know what's good for you? That color just doesn't go with your skin tone!
Noah: just let her have it, it didn't even look that good on you...

And that's when he knew.....

He fucked up :')

I give her a satisfied smirk, tilting my head to the side in a bitchy way.
She aggressively throws the dress at me before walking away angrily.
I yell at him as he chased her before twirling my fingers behind their backs as an ironic goodbye.

Jungkook: and once again, Y/n gets what she wants!
Me: of course baby, I want it, I got it.
He chuckles softly.
Jungkook: the way I love this attitude of yours
He kisses my cheek, immediately making a smile appear on my face.

After paying for the dress, we walked out, finally not empty-handed.
Me: finally I found the perfect dress, can you believe that some bitch was about to steal it from me?
He laughs.
Jungkook: oh come on, even if she got the dress she wouldn't look nearly as good as you 
Me: stop~
I slightly hit his arm, getting flustered. He giggles.
Jungkook: cutie
Me: no, youuuuu~

We continued having a battle of "no, you" for like two minutes straight until I got tired and decided to surrender. As soon as we got in the car, my phone rang.


I accept the call, bringing the phone to my ear.
Me: hey Tae!
Tae: hey Y/n, are you with Jungkook?
Me: yes why?
Tae: you guys made up?
Oh right, we didn't tell them.
Me: yeah...
Tea are you two free or...You have business going on....?
I burst out laughing, making Jungkook raise an eyebrow at me.

Me: no, we're free
Tae: great! Do you guys want to hang out? Jimin and Jisoo are coming too.
Me: sure, where should we meet?
Tae: let's meet at Starbucks in 15 minutes, how does that sound?

Me: sounds great, see y'all!
Tae: bye~
He hung up.
Jungkook: what's so funny?
Me: oh nothing Taehyung asked if we were free or we had "business" going on.
He giggles in amusement.
Me: anyway we're meeting the others at Starbucks in 15 minutes

Jungkook: Woah Woah calm your tits do I look like your personal driver to you?
Me: my tits are really calm if you want I'll drive
Jungkook: no no no no baby, you drive too fast for my liking, I'll take you anywhere you want!
I laugh softly, lightly hitting his shoulder.
Jungkook: ouch!

He starts the car, driving away from the mall.
Jungkook: can you believe that school is about to end?
Me: I'll never forget this year, so much happened, it's crazy.
He smiles, taking my hand in his while the other one gripped the steering wheel.

Me: let's recapitulate the most important events, I broke up with that dumbass and cut the two other bitchasses off, I got actual real friends, the most beautiful one is your confession, our first date, our argument, and now we're here...
Jungkook: you forgot a really important one
Me: which is?
Jungkook: we both lost our virginity

Me: you're driving Jeon, don't make me smack you.
He burst out laughing, clearly amused.
Jungkook: just kidding babe, it was indeed a beautiful year
I nod in agreement.

Jungkook: aaaand, we're here!
He parks the car.
Me: ahh there they are! It feels like I haven't seen them in ages when I actually just saw them yesterday
Jungkook: honestly same
We both shrug before getting off and walk to our friends who were sitting outside.

Jisoo: oh la la, look who's here!
Jimin: the love birds decided to join us!
Taehyung: it was now damn it
Jungkook: is this how you greet your friends?
I chuckle as Jungkook blatantly rolls his eyes before taking a seat and I do the same.

Me: what's the tea?
Jimin: the year is about to end, that's the tea
Me: I know right? Time literally flies.
Tae: I'm gonna miss you guys
Me: oh come on Taetae, don't be like that we can still meet
Jisoo: she's right, after all, there's nothing like us
Me: period

Everyone giggled.
Me: guys...since the year is about to end, what do yall say we go somewhere nice after prom, like a trip!
Jimin: we could go to one of my parents' resorts
We all simultaneously turn towards him, faces smothered in shock.
Jimin: what?
Me: rich bitch
Everyone giggled.

Me: anyway I'm in, I think it's a great idea and we get to spend some quality time together, plus we deserve a vacation after three years of prison...also known as high school
Jungkook: I agree
Jisoo: I'm absolutely in
Taehyung: same goes for me
Jimin: great then, I'll talk to my parents to get some rooms ready.

Me: thank you so much Jimin.
Jimin: Naah! It's nothing, really!
Taehyung: guys, I had an idea too
Jungkook: what is it?
Taehyung: well it's the senior year for us, right?
Me: yes...
Taehyung: and you all know what that means right?
Jimin:...what does it mean
Taehyung: the time has come...FOR A SENIOR PRANK.
Jisoo: heck to the yeah, what did you have in mind?

Taehyung: ok, so...
He starts to explain his idea, not missing any detail. Once he was done, we unitedly giggled.
Jimin: you're a genius
Jungkook: I'm down, let's do it!

Seems like everything is back to normal with the gang...but what are they plotting as a senior prank?
Tune in on the next episode to find out.
Also, stay excited.

Helloooo you guys!
Hope y'all enjoyed this episode of
The frequent Lurker
Consider this one a lighthearted break from all the heaviness the previous episodes held.
We are grateful to have had you guys come with us so far into the story...which is sadly nearing the end.
Thank you guys so much for sticking with us.
It means the world
Tons of love

 It means the world Tons of loveAuthorsViki&Ajla

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If you're looking for me, I'll be by my grave.

The frequent lurkerWhere stories live. Discover now