21.✰Kiss and make up / +18

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This chapter contains smut.
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-Author's pov-
They kissed slowly, passionately, taking their time, trying to pull each other as close as possible. He kissed her like never before, showing her how much he missed her, how much he craved her, how much he loves her. Their lips moved on each other beautifully as he curled his fingers with hers, their chests pressed together as they suddenly forgot how to breathe.

The connection between the two was stronger than ever, their bodies melted against each other as rapture took over them, the temperature rising in the room. The mesmerizingly interacted with each other as the sound of sloppy, wet kisses filled the room.

The girl lets out a soft moan as the kiss was getting inexplicably pleasurable. A growl escaped his throat after hearing the sound of ecstasy she let out as desire started growing inside him.

Sneakily his hand reached for the hem of her shirt, unhurriedly lifting it up, detaching his lips from hers for a split second, just to slip the piece of clothing off before getting rid of his own shirt.

He bends down, kissing along her jawline, down to her neck, nibbling and biting the skin, leaving love marks on the way. The attention he gave to her body made Y/n lose her mind, the way he appreciated every bit of her, every kiss he left on her skin meant the world to her.

Slowly undressing her with kisses, her completely bare body located under him. He moves up, not to do anything, just to admire the beauty of his girl. Her smooth honey skin, her curves, she looked so graceful and delicate.
Jungkook: beautiful

He whispered under his breath, grazing his fingertips on her abdomen. Jungkook reaches for his belt undoing his pants before tossing them on the floor. Once no piece of clothing was found on both of them, he lowers himself on her, looking at his lover with mere passion.

Jungkook: you're the most precious person to me, the best thing that has ever happened to me, the one that led the way for me when I was lost, the one that helped me get up when I fell down, what did I even do to deserve you?
She smiles softly, placing her hand on his cheek.

Y/n: you did the same thing for me.
She brings her lips to his, melting his heart. Jungkook took this an opportunity to push himself inside her, getting an instant reaction from Y/n. She clenches the bedsheets in her fists, letting out a pained whimper. Jungkook presses his lips on her forehead.
Jungkook: it's okay baby
He reassured her.

He slowly started moving his hips while whispering sweet nothings in her ear, sending her mind in a euphoric state.
Her chest heaved up and down as their bodies glistened with sweat, sticking to each other.
She screamed out his name as his pace picked up, her body rocked back and forth.

⚠️ ⟭⟬ ⚠️

Their bodies rested exhausted on the bed, facing each other. Not speaking, just looking at each other as their eyes had a way deeper conversation than words could ever have.

He pushes her hair aside, to get a better look at her face.
Jungkook: Y/n...
Y/n: hmm?
Jungkook: that room, let's take everything down and fill it with memories of you and me
Y/n: Jungkook-ah...

She smiles sweetly, touched by his idea. She leans forward a bit, placing a peck on his cute nose.
Y/n: sure, let's do it
He smiles at her warmly before taking her in his arms. She cuddles upon his chest, feeling more than loved. He made her feel emotions she didn't know existed.

Jungkook: wanna sleep for a bit?
She nods, not having any energy left to speak.

-Y/n's pov-
I was peacefully asleep but the sound of a whimper woke me up. I slowly move away from Jungkook. Sweat trailed down his forehead as his chest rose and fell rapidly, his breathing ragged as he dug his fingers on the mattress.

He's having another nightmare.

Me: Jungkook-ah
I grab his hand, feeling him grip it tightly. Expectedly, his body jolts up, fully awake. He places his hand on his chest, trying to get the air to reach his lungs as he trembled.

Me: Baby it's okay, I'm right here
I whisper in his ear shortly after holding his body closer.
Me: breathe, it's gonna be okay, count to ten with me, one...two...

Jungkook: th-thank you baby. I'm okay now.
Me: are you sure?
Jungkook: yes, I'm sure.
He says as he turns to smile at me.
Me: do you want to talk about it?
Jungkook: no, I... I do want to talk, actually.
A softened smile reaches my face.

Me: I'm proud of you Jungkook-ah. Speaking up takes courage. Know I'm here for you, okay?
He leans closer to me as we embrace each other in a reassuring hug.

~Author's pov~
Jungkook: thank you.
The boy mumbled near her shoulder as he pulled Y/n closer and closer. He still somehow missed her, wanted her near him.
Me: what are you thanking me for?
She says still keeping him in the hug.
Jungkook: for being with me again, for trying to help me again.
He tilts his head back and to the right, his lips touching her ear.

Jungkook: I love you...
He whispered.
He whispered as he didn't realize how much the girl he held near him wanted to hear exactly that. She presses her lips on his forehead, cupping his face.
Y/n: I love you too
She answers softly, butterflies taking over her heart.

He looks at her with shining eyes, she's the brightest star in his galaxy.
...damn, I'm so in love with her...
He thought to himself, fighting to hold back his smile.
Y/n: why are you smiling?
She asks with a hint of amusement.

Jungkook: how can I not smile with you in front of me
She lets out a squeal, followed by a laugh before flinging herself on him.
Y/n: you are so cheesyyyyyyy
Jungkook: I knowwwwwww
He mocked the way she spoke, letting out a chuckle afterward.

Y/n:...was your dream really bad?
She asks in a lower tone. Jungkook lets out a sigh.
Jungkook: since my parents told me, I started seeing more of what happened and to answer your question, it was pretty bad.
She gives him a pained expression.

Y/n: I'm sorry you have to experience this. I can't do anything about it but I can promise to be by your side through everything
He smiles, pecking her cheek before pulling her in a hug once again.
Jungkook: thank you
Y/n: please stop thanking me

He chuckles, scrunching his nose.
Jungkook: I can't help it when I'm so thankful to have you in my life
Y/n: babyy~ stop before I start crying for a real one
Jungkook: if you cry I'm gonna cry too

She chuckles.
Y/n: don't you think we cried enough?
They both burst out laughing, falling on the bed.

The way they loved being like this.

Being together.

The way they loved each other

Was all that took over their minds...


Hey guyss! We hope you enjoyed this episode.
Be a little more patient, the book is near the end, please look forward to reading it all😊
Love u💜

Be a little more patient, the book is near the end, please look forward to reading it all😊Love u💜

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