30.✰The fitting room

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Get ready for the final episode...

Jungkook: Y/n...
His voice calls my name for about the hundredth time. I keep my eyes closed, wanting to sleep for a bit more. Well, you can't blame me, after last night, of course, I'd need rest.

Jungkook: baby come on, the others are already up
I hum, tightening my arms around his waist.
Me: five more minutes
Jungkook: no, come on! It's time to wake up!
Me: please, I'm still tired
I whine.

Jungkook: Y/n
He calls my name sternly.
Me: I'm up, who said I'm not? I'm up, I'm going to get ready see you in two minutes.
He chuckles as I walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and put on a pair of clean clothes before walking out.
Jungkook: you ready?
I hum.
Me: let's go
Jungkook: by the way, I have to buy a new swimsuit. My dumb ass forgot to bring one.
I gasp, my hand going over my mouth.
Me: I forgot too

Jungkook and I exchange an incredulous glance before bursting out laughing.
Jungkook: what happened to the "women never forget"?
Me: listen here Jungkook, I don't even remember where I've left my hair ties when they're actually on my wrist but I remember what you told me four months ago, March 17, Tuesday at 5 o'clock
He suddenly pulls out his phone.
Jungkook: oh my God march 17th was actually Tuesday
Me: see?
I flip my hair. He giggles, shaking his head.
Jungkook: let's just go...


Jisoo: look who decided to show up
Jimin: hey love birds
Me: what did we do this time?
I ask annoyedly, knowing that there's always reasoning behind their sarcasm.
Soobin: what did you do? I haven't slept all night because all I could hear was Y/n screaming, but Jungkook is the one to blame

Everyone began laughing while my cheeks flushed to a scarlet red. I place my head on Jungkook's arm, hiding my face.
Jungkook: what is it, baby? Did you get shy?
I nod.
Jungkook: well you weren't shy last night
I slap his arm, pushing him away, the laughter of our friends echoed in the atmosphere.

Me: you're unbelievable
I switch the focus of my eyes to the opposite side from him, starting to walk towards the mall.
Jungkook: hey wait for me! Guys we're going to buy a swimsuit and we'll join you, we won't take long
Taehyung: sure, we'll be at the pool


Me: ugh
I press my back on the wall after trying the ninth swimsuit.
Jungkook: come on, baby there must be one you like around here!
Me: at this point, I'm starting to question that
Jungkook: let's just keep looking
I nod, starting to look through the hangers until a swimsuit hung in the corner, in particular, caught my eye.

Me: I'm going to try this real quick
Jungkook nods, following me to the fitting rooms. I occupy one, getting rid of my clothes once again.

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