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-the next day, at school-
I was walking in until someone covered my eyes from behind. I grab the person's wrists.
Me: who's this?
A giggle was heard. Oh i know exactly to who that giggle belongs to.
Me: Jimin!
He laughs and removes his hands from my eyes.

Jimin: how did you know?
Me: your giggles are impossible to confuse
He smiles and throws his arm around my shoulder. I went for it and put my arm around his waist as we continued to walk inside, getting into a casual conversation.

-Jungkook's pov-
I was waiting for Y/n near her locker but what i saw made my blood boil.
With my girl.
He had his arms around her shoulders while her arm was on his waist as they talked and giggled together.

I'm gonna lose my temper any moment now.
Y/n: wow Jungkook what's with that face? Who made you angry this early in the morning?
She pinches my cheek making me even more angry. Oh Y/n you must be so damn blind. Unconsciously a sarcastic smile crept up my lips.
Me: since when are you two so close?

Jimin: can't we be?
He raises his eyebrows making me scoff.
Me: careful Jimin, your actions-
Jimin: what consequences do my actions have? Hm?

-Y/n's pov-
The air started growing tense as there was a moment of intense eye contact between Jimin and Jungkook. OH GOD WHY ME.
Me: u-uhm, o-oh look what time is it! I-i forgot to feed my math teacher! Gotta blast!

-Lunch time-
Jisoo: did y'all notice that the food of the cafeteria started getting better?
Taehyung: true it used to taste like shit
Me: do you know what shit tastes like Kim Taehyung?
I raise my eyebrows and wiggle my fork in front of his face, making everyone laugh.
Taehyung: not what i meant Y/n
He gives me an annoyed look.

Jimin: Y/n you got chocolate on your lips
Me: oh? Where?
Jimin: let me wipe that for you
He takes a tissue, delicately running it over my lower lip.
Jimin: here, done!
I smile at him and turn to my normal position, my eyes meeting the angry ones of the boy in front of me.

Me: what?
Jungkook: nothing.
He glares at me. Seriously, i think he's bipolar. He was someone else yesterday.

-After lunch-
I open my locker to get my P.E. uniform when suddenly some bitch slammed it shut again before pushing me against it.
Me: seriously Noah? Seriously?
Noah: Y/n...i want you back Y/n....
For some reasons i started laughing hysterically before putting on a poker face again.
Me: nice try, move, i got places to be

I push him away, walking down the hall. I was about to open the door of the gym but suddenly a hand pulled my arm, making a scream leave my lips. Before i knew it, i was locked inside an empty classroom. But the only problem is that everything was pitch black. I could hear slow steps approaching me.

Me: who's there?
I felt my body being pushed against the wall as two arms trapped me. This scent. I know who it is. This is Jungkook's cologne.
Me: J-Jungkook?
Suddenly the lights turned on.
Jungkook: Bingo.

Okay but....why....
Jungkook: do you have anything to say to me, Y/n?
He asks as his eyes pierced my soul, making me avoid the eye contact.

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