8.✰Into the trap

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Jimin: actually...that was on purpose...


~Taehyung's pov~
It's been a hot while since Jungkook has been head over heels for y/n. I've noticed a long time ago, i had just been waiting for him to tell me...now I'm waiting for him to tell her.

Jungkook is a good looking guy, he's also considered "the bad boy" but when it comes to feelings, that concept falls face first on the floor. He's never had to confess, he's never had genuine feelings for someone and it showed. Now something new moved to the surface.
He is fully into y/n, it's so clear, but he'll never confess...at least without some help, so I've come up with a bit of a plan.
I'm gonna need a bit of help...

Me: so guys, first off I'm going to be telling you something that you maybe already guessed...Jungkook likes y/n, like a lot
Jisoo: DUH!
Jimin: he couldn't make it any more obvious

Me: yeah well you know what they say. When a boy likes a girl, everyone knows except the girl, so i have a little plan to change that. We all know Jungkook would never confess on his own
Jimin: right
Me: i think i know exactly what type of push he needs: jealousy

Jisoo: i like where this is going
Me: Jimin. The time has come for your flirtatious ass to be useful. Show up around Jungkook staying very close to y/n or flirting with her. Since he's told me he likes her, I won't be taking the situation into my own hands. He'd figure out that I'd be trying to make him jealous, so Jimin this is all you. You down?
Jimin: totally down

~End of flashback~
~Y/n's pov~
Jungkook: y'all did WHAT
Taehyung: you gotta give us credit man. I mean, it worked
Me: you're not the ones who got Noah in on it, right?
Jisoo : of course not. But he was of help in his own way.
Jimin: yah y/n! Now you know your man gets jealous easily. Use that to your advantage
I laugh

Jungkook: sell me out much, Jimin-ah?
Jungkook said as he warmly giggled.
Taehyung: come on guys go in, lets see a kiss.
Me: i don-
My words get cut off as Jungkook grabs my arm to soon enough plant his other hand around my waist as he went in for a ravenous kiss.
Me: you're unbelievable, Jeon Jungkook
Taehyung, Jimin& Jisoo: WOOOOOOOOOO YEES!

~after school, walking home~
Me: according to my calculations, this is the first time we're walking somewhere together as a couple
He looks straight into my eyes as i talk and soon after turns around to giggle...

~after school, walking home~Me: according to my calculations, this is the first time we're walking somewhere together as a couple He looks straight into my eyes as i talk and soon after turns around to giggle

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Jungkook: if my calculations are right, tomorrow will be our first time going out on a date.
I stop to take a look at him.
Me: asking me on a date?
Jungkook: maybe?
I come closer to only wrap my arms around his waist

Me: real smooth, mr. bad boy
Jungkook: so, pick you up tomorrow at eight?
I nod with a smile on my face as before we go he cups my face moving my hair off of it.
Jungkook: it's gonna be nice getting used to this
I giggle at his remark
Me: sure will, Jungkook-ah

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