26.✰The exposè

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Emma: that's right. To start off she...she broke my heart. And she did it while breaking the girl code...i had liked Noah for years upon years on end and she knew. The thing is when Noah started hanging around us, because of their fathers he'd hang out with Y/n more, which lead to them getting closer which at the time I didn't mind because I trusted her. I- I thought she would never betray me. Noah was more often than not flirty around me and every time we were together we hit it off. But something seemed...not right.
I never felt like Y/n was ever happy when him and I got closer together and I felt that Noah would never get quite close enough. I soon found out Y/n would make moves on him, at any time possible and they one day showed up to school holding hands and she hadn't even warned me that they had gotten together I-i.
Noah: I'm so sorry babe. But it's true. Y/n, miss popular goody two shoes is a snake. She came in between me and my baby...and she broke her too. Now that she has become riddance, Emma and I are back to each other...we're finally happy...
Emma: wanting to be a good friend, i wanted to forgive her but she refused. She blamed it on me. She blamed me for taking Noah away from her, constantly repeating that she's the prettier one, she's popular and that I'm not even half as good as her. Since we stopped talking she would randomly come around and threaten me, at some point she had me scared.
Noah: after some time, she decided to give up, she hasn't been coming around us anymore, we felt like everyone should know and be warned about who she truly is
Emma: please you guys I beg of you...don't vote for her for prom queen. It'll just make her believe that she has power over us, so for that reason, I'll be running for prom queen, to show that us underdogs can make it to the top. Thank you for listening...

I can't even begin to spell out the amount of anger pint up in me right now.

If i punched a wall, it would probably crumble.

Jungkook: Y/n—
Me: not now. I don't wanna hear it. That bitch is drying to drag me through the mud ONLY TO BECOME PROM QUEEN.
He immediately stops talking.
I clench my fist, digging my nails in the flesh of my hand, creating some deep marks.

Then it hit me...

Why in the world did i say that to Jungkook?

Me: i-I'm sorry baby...you have no idea how I'm feeling right now...

Jungkook: it's fine...what are you gonna do?
I chuckle.
Me: she really crossed the line...
I take out my phone.
Me: god bless you for sending me that picture.

I scroll through my chats until my eyes caught 'Unknown'. I open the old coversation, taking a screenshot of it.
Me: i wasn't planning on exposing you, you little desperate attention seeker but you wanna play dirty, let's play dirty then
Jungkook: Y/n please stop mumbling like that, it's scary. It sounds like some satanic ritual.

It's incredible how this man can make me laugh in any situation possible.
Me: I'm sorry baby, i didn't mean to scare you
He chuckles, shaking his head. My smile instantly fades away when Soobin crosses my mind. He tried so hard to save me from this...i really should have given him a chance. But how can you blame me after what happened months ago.

Me: now people are gonna know what kind of fithy snakes you two are...
I snicker in mischief, posting the picture.
Me: Emma and that shrimp should get ready...because the picture is only the beginning...
Jungkook: you're so evil, it's hot
I chuckle, shaking my head.
Me:we need to find Soobin...

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